Privacy statement

Privacy statement 

Thank you for visiting the VHPB web site and for reviewing the VHPB privacy statement. Your privacy on the internet is extremely important to us. The VHPB does not sell, distribute or transfer personal information to third parties. Any information collected on this web site is used only for the purposes stated.

We monitor our website’s usage statistics with Google Analytics, a system which loads a number of cookies whenever you visit the website. These _GA cookies allow us to check how many visitors our website gets and also to collect certain demographic details (e.g. country of origin). Unless you provide additional information, VHPB collects only the following information as you access the VHPB web site: – the IP address – the domain name and browser you use to access the Internet – the date and time of your visit; – the pages you visited; – the address of the web site from which linked you directly to our site; and – the name of the file or the words that you searched prior to visiting the VHPB web site. We use this information to measure the number of visitors to our site, to look at system performance and to identify possible problem areas. It helps us get information about the geographical distribution of our visitors and the technology they use to access our site. This helps us to expand the coverage of the site and to make it more useful. This data is never connected with personal information.

Certain personal data, such as cookies, is used to develop user statistics and to improve the security of our websites. You can read our policy on cookies here.

If you choose to provide us with personal information by sending an e-mail, or by filling out the e-mail service form we will use that information only to respond to your specific request. We do not give, share, sell or transfer any personal information to a third party. You can request at any time that your personal information is removed from our mailing list.

The VHPB web site provides a number links. Once you link to another site, you are subject to the privacy policy of that new site. The VHPB does not endorse the sites to which it links.

The VHPB has taken steps to ensure that information received from online visitors is kept as secure as possible. A range of technology is used to protect the information from loss, misuse, unauthorised access or disclosure, alteration or destruction. Security measures are periodically reviewed.

The VHPB has used its best efforts to accurately transcribe and post all information to this website but the VHPB cannot guarantee that the original information as supplied by others is correct or complete.