Honorary members

The VHPB wants to express its gratitude to the following core members/advisers who have since many years been very active and supportive to the VHPB, and who were committed to help the VHPB reach its objectives, by utilising their influential positions in national and international organisations and/or sharing their outstanding expertise for the benefit of the VHPB. These honorary members are elected for a lifelong term and will be invited to VHPB meetings on an ad hoc basis.


Prof. dr. Selim Badur
Former professor

Dr. Hans Blystad
Deputy director
Department of Tuberculosis, Blood Borne Inf. And STIs
Norwegian Institute of Public Health

Dr. Claire Cameron
Strategic Lead, Vaccine Preventable Diseases
HNHS National Services Scotland, Health Protection Scotland

Prof. dr. Pietro Crovari
Department of Health Sciences - University of Genova

Prof. dr. Alain Goudeau
Bacteriology, Virology and Hygiene - Universitaire Bretonneau

Prof. dr. Peter Grob

Dr. Nicole Guérin
conseiller en vaccinologie - Infovac

Prof. dr. med. Wolfgang Jilg
Institut für Medizinische Mikrobiologie und Hygiene

Universität Regensburg

Dr. Mark Kane

Dr. Daniel Lavanchy

Dr. Harold Margolis †
Centres for disease Control and Prevention - Chief, Dengue Branch

Dr. Eric Mast
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Hepatitis Branch

Dr. Elisabeth McCloy

Prof. dr. André Meheus
Department Epidemiology and Social Medicine
University of Antwerpen - Campus Drie Eiken

Dr. Helene Norder

Senior Microbiologist

Sahlgrenska University Hospital


Prof. dr. Lars Rombo
Infectious Diseases

Dr. Françoise Roudot-Thoraval
Department of Hepatology
Hôpital Henri Mondor

Dr. Colette Roure
Direction Générale de la Santé/SD7

Dr. Craig Shapiro
Health and Human Services (HHS) Liaison
Avian Influenza Action Group

Prof. dr. Daniel Shouval

Attending Physician

Liver Unit and Liver Research Lab

Hadassah University Medical Center


Dr. Steven Wiersma
Resident Advisor
Tanzania Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Programme (TFELTP)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Tanzania

Dr. Alessandro Zanetti

Professor emeritus of Hygiene

Department of Biomedical Sciences for Health

University of Milan

MSc. Tatjana Reic

Priv.-Doz. dr. med. habil. Johannes F. Hallauer †
Zentralinstitut für Krankenhaushygiene
Paracelsus-KIiniken Deutschland GmbH & Co.KGaA

Dr. Nedret Emiroglu
Deputy Director, Division of Communicable diseases, Health Security and Environment
World Health Organization - Regional Office for Europe