
The changing context of Hepatitis Delta (28 & 29 October 2021, ONLINE)

Meeting objectives:

  • Provide an overview of the current epidemiology of hepatitis Delta and discuss potential associated risk factors (e.g. HIV & Migrants from endemic countries)
  • (New) Diagnostic tools and screening recommendations for hepatitis Delta
  • Discuss the prevention of hepatitis Delta
  • Discuss treatment and control of hepatitis Delta
  • Discuss the public health impact of hepatitis Delta and the arguments to include hepatitis Delta in the WHO’s elimination goals or not
  • As hepatitis Delta is an opportunistic infection to HBV, discussing HBV related issues is not excluded from the program

Background document (PDF, 912 kB)

Thursday 28 October 2021


Chairs: VHPB secretariat

16:00 – 16h:20 Welcome and opening of the meeting
• Welcome and opening
• Introduction of the participants
Greet Hendrickx

Session 1.1: Introduction Hepatitis Delta
Chairs: Karine Lacombe and Erika Duffell

16:20 – 16:35 The changing context of hepatitis Delta – 45 years after the discovery of Hepatitis D virus: where do we stand?
Francesco Negro

Session 1.2: Epidemiology and Burden of Disease of Hepatitis Delta
Chairs: Karine Lacombe and Erika Duffel

16:35 – 17:40 The Global prevalence and Burden of Disease of Hepatitis D
Alexander Stockdale

Country examples

France: Dominique Roulot

Germany: Sandra Dudareva

Georgia: Mamuka Zakalashvili

Session 1.3: Occurence of Hepatitis Delta
Chairs: Daniel Shouval and Vladimir Chulanov

17:40 – 17:55 May Hepatitis D occur in Hepatitis B negative patients?
Natalia Freitas

Session 1.4: Diagnostics, screening and taxonomy of Hepatitis Delta
Chairs: Daniel Shouval and Vladimir Chulanov

17:55 – 18:25 Overview of current diagnostics for hepatitis Delta
Emmanuel Gordien

Genotyping: diagnostic tools and new classification of hepatitis Delta genotyping
Hadi Karimzadeh

18:25 – 18:50 Discussion: Needs for Screening of hepatitis D

18:50 – 19:00 Conclusions of the day

Friday 29 October 2021



VHPB secretariat

16:00 – 16:15 Short resume Day 1

Session 2.1: Prevention 
Chair: Pierre Van Damme

16:15 – 16:30 Does the use of Hepatitis B vaccine prevent Hepatitis Delta?
Cesar Cabezas

Session 2.2: Treatment and control
Chairs: Thomas Vanwolleghem and John Ward

16:30 – 16:45 Overview of treatment options (including novel treatment)
Pietro Lampertico

16:45 – 17:00 Longterm hepatitis D treatment success
Cihan Yurdaydin

17:00 – 17:45 Expert Panel Debate

Panel: Pietro Lampertico/ Stephan Urban/ Victor Deledinghen/ Cihan Yurdaydin/ Andrew Vaillant

Session 2.3: Groups discussion: Should elimination of hepatitis D be included in WHO Elimination goals
Chairs: Paige Armstrong And Antons Mozolevskis

17:45 – 18:00 Do we need to consider Hepatitis D as a public health problem?
Bob Gish

18:00 – 18:45 Final groups discussion
Should elimination of hepatitis D be included in WHO elimination goals.

18:45 – 19:00 Conclusion and closing of the meeting

Meeting report by David FitzSimons (PDF, 1.669 kB)
