
List of all online presentations previously presented at VHPB meetings

Correlation Network
Eberhard Schatz
Mar/2016 – Ljubljana, Slovenia   2.1 Mb (.pdf)
Health Without Barriers (HWBs) – How screening and testing of prisoners can be improved: an European example from Health Without Barriers (HWBs) – The European Federation for Prison Health
Sergio Babudieri
Mar/2016 – Ljubljana, Slovenia   841 Kb (.pdf)
EMCDDA European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction + a systematic review of prevalence and cost-effectiveness of screening hepatitis B and C in Europe
Lucas Wiessing
Mar/2016 – Ljubljana, Slovenia   1.5 Mb (.pdf)
Organisation and funding of the health care system in Lithuania
Laimuté Vaideliené
Nov/2015 – Riga, Latvia   5.2 Mb (.pdf)
National immunization program in Estonia
Irina Filippova
Nov/2015 – Riga, Latvia   2.1 Mb (.pdf)
National immunization program in Latvia
Jurijs Perevoscikovs
Nov/2015 – Riga, Latvia   1.1 Mb (.pdf)
National program (Plan) for viral hepatitis control and treatment in Latvia
Jana Feldmane
Nov/2015 – Riga, Latvia   783 Kb (.pdf)
HAV, HBV, and HCV surveillance systems and results: Estonia
Jevgenia Epštein
Nov/2015 – Riga, Latvia   461 Kb (.pdf)
HAV, HBV, and HCV surveillance systems and results: Latvia
Raina Nikiforova
Nov/2015 – Riga, Latvia   2.9 Mb (.pdf)
HAV, HBV, and HCV surveillance systems and results: Lithuania
Saulius Caplinskas and Irma Caplinskiene
Nov/2015 – Riga, Latvia   4.9 Mb (.pdf)
HAV, HBV, and HCV surveillance systems and results: Estonia
Kristi Rüütel
Nov/2015 – Riga, Latvia   1.1 Mb (.pdf)
Epidemiology of different hepatides (B, C ) in Estonia
Kristi Huik
Nov/2015 – Riga, Latvia   7.4 Mb (.pdf)
Epidemiology of different hepatides (B, C ) in Latvia
Raina Nikiforova
Nov/2015 – Riga, Latvia   2 Mb (.pdf)
Epidemiology of different hepatides (B, C ) in Lithuania
Saulius Caplinskas and Irma Caplinskiene
Nov/2015 – Riga, Latvia   3.6 Mb (.pdf)
Lithuania: Hepatitis screening in the Lithuanian blood establishments
Joana Bikulčienė
Nov/2015 – Riga, Latvia   1.5 Mb (.pdf)
Estonia: People who injecting drugs
Aljona Kurbatova
Nov/2015 – Riga, Latvia   115 Kb (.pdf)
Latvia: Hepatitis prevention in the context of HIV prevention point work
Liva Gramatina
Nov/2015 – Riga, Latvia   7.4 Mb (.pdf)
Estonia: Hepatitis E virus in domestic pigs, wild boars, pig farm workers and hunters in Estonia
Tatiana Kuznetsova
Nov/2015 – Riga, Latvia   3.7 Mb (.pdf)
Molecular genetic characterization of hepatitis epidemiology in Latvia
Irina Sominskaya
Nov/2015 – Riga, Latvia   1.9 Mb (.pdf)
Molecular genetic characterization of hepatitis epidemiology in Lithuania
Valentina Liakina
Nov/2015 – Riga, Latvia   971 Kb (.pdf)
Control of hepatitis A- outbreak control in Latvia
Rita Korotinska
Nov/2015 – Riga, Latvia   4.6 Mb (.pdf)
NGO involved in creating awareness for viral hepatitis: Latvia
Kristaps Kaugurs
Nov/2015 – Riga, Latvia   18.4Mb (.pdf)
Global, regional and national strategic planning for viral hepatitis prevention and control
Antons Mozalevskis
Nov/2015 – Riga, Latvia   783Kb (.pdf)
European Vaccine Aciton Plan Goal 3: control of hepatitis B. Regional targets and priority activities
Liudmila Mosina
Nov/2015 – Riga, Latvia   1.8Mb (.pdf)
Lithuania: Treatment policies and access of treatment for chronic heptatis B and C
Ligita Jancoriene
Nov/2015 – Riga, Latvia   3.9Mb (.pdf)
Presentation of the VHPB meeting conclusions
David FitzSimons
Nov/2015 – Riga, Latvia   104 Kb (.pdf)
WHO: WHO Global Hepatitis Strategy: Moving toward elimination of hepatitis B and C
Stefan Wiktor
Jun/2015 – London, UK   925 Kb (.pdf)
WHO Euro: WHO-EURO: European regional goals for hepatitis B and C elimination
Antons Mozalevskis
Jun/2015 – London, UK   406 Kb (.pdf)
WHO Euro: Regional plan on Hepatitis B control
Liudmila Mosina
Jun/2015 – London, UK   30Kb (.pdf)
Stefan Wiktor
Jun/2015 – London, UK   149Kb (.pdf)
Antons Mozalevskis
Jun/2015 – London, UK   330Kb (.pdf)
Erika Duffell
Jun/2015 – London, UK   509 Kb (.pdf)
Margaret Walker
Jun/2015 – London, UK   3.7 Mb (.pdf)
Fair prices for new direct-acting antiviral agents (DAAs) to make treatment for all affordable
Deuffic-Burban Sylvie
Jun/2015 – London, UK   729 Kb (.pdf)
The Cost-effectiveness, Health Benefits, and Financial Costs of New Antiviral Treatments for Hepatitis C Virus
David Rein
Jun/2015 – London, UK   579 Kb (.pdf)
Burden of hepatitis C in Europe- The Case of France and Romania
Gustaf Ortsäter
Jun/2015 – London, UK   865 Kb (.pdf)
Maia Tsereteli
Jun/2015 – London, UK   276 Kb (.pdf)
Angelos Hatzakis
Jun/2015 – London, UK   670 Kb (.pdf)
Yves Horsmans
Jun/2015 – London, UK   901 Kb (.pdf)
Stanimir Hasurdjiev
Jun/2015 – London, UK   139 Kb (.pdf)
Odette Popovici
Jun/2015 – London, UK   763 Kb (.pdf)
New WHO report : Access to new medicines in Europe: technical review of policy initiatives and opportunities for collaboration and research
Panos Kanavos
Jun/2015 – London, UK   435 Kb (.pdf)
Pricing of forthcoming therapies for hepatitis C in Europe: beyond cost-effectiveness?
Livio Garattini
Jun/2015 – London, UK   1.4 Mb (.pdf)
New treatments for hepatitis C: strategies for achieving universal access
Céline Grillon
Jun/2015 – London, UK   1.1 Mb (.pdf)
Mark Kane
Jun/2015 – London, UK   175 Kb (.pdf)
 Available Hepatitis Information: how can this be used to convince decision makers and potential funders. Example of available information
Homie Razavi
Jun/2015 – London, UK   739 Kb (.pdf)
Conclusions of the meeting
David FitzSimons
Jun/2015 – London, UK   46 Kb (.pdf)
22 years achievements and impact of VHPB
Johannes Hallauer – Mark Kane
Nov/2014 – Antwerp, Belgium   2.2 Mb (.pdf)
Patients perspective
Johannes Hallauer – Mark Kane
Nov/2014 – Antwerp, Belgium   485 Kb (.pdf)
Perspective of Viral Hepatitis Control
Nedret Emirogly
Nov/2014 – Antwerp, Belgium   466 Kb (.pdf)
Perspective of Viral Hepatitis Control
Nedret Emirogly
Nov/2014 – Antwerp, Belgium   466 Kb (.pdf)
Global Overview of Viral Hepatitis
Stefan Wiktor
Nov/2014 – Antwerp, Belgium   2.1 Mb (.pdf)
Overview of current hepatitis prevention and control issues
John Ward
Nov/2014 – Antwerp, Belgium   3.1Mb (.pdf)
Prevention and control of viral hepatitis B and C in WHO European Region
Nedret Emiroglu
Nov/2014 – Antwerp, Belgium   700Kb (.pdf)
Vaccination policies and coverage in EU – WHO Euro
Liudmila Mosina
Nov/2014 – Antwerp, Belgium   430Kb (.pdf)
Italy (2002)
Alessandro Zanetti
Nov/2014 – Antwerp, Belgium   812 Kb (.pdf)
Portugal (2010)
Rui Tato Marinho
Nov/2014 – Antwerp, Belgium   10Mb (.pdf)
Greece (2007)
Vana Papaevanglou
Nov/2014 – Antwerp, Belgium   1.4Mb (.pdf)
Vladimir Chulanov
Nov/2014 – Antwerp, Belgium   1 Mb (.pdf)
Silvia Bino
Nov/2014 – Antwerp, Belgium   7.9 Mb (.pdf)
lessons learnt from previous thechnical meetings and plans for the future – control of hepatitis C (public health issues)
Daniel Shouval
Nov/2014 – Antwerp, Belgium   1.5 MB (.pdf)
lessons learnt from previous thechnical meetings and plans for the future – Mutants
Alessandro Zanetti
Nov/2014 – Antwerp, Belgium   496 Kb (.pdf)
Hepatitis B: are at-risk individuals vaccinated if screened and found negative for HBV? Results of an online survey conducted in six EU countries
Paolo Bonnani
Nov/2014 – Antwerp, Belgium   618 Kb (.pdf)
The Netherlands
Hans Houweling
Nov/2014 – Antwerp, Belgium   294 Kb (.pdf)
Scandinavian situation
Hans Blystad
Nov/2014 – Antwerp, Belgium   369 Kb (.pdf)
UK – control and management of CHB
Howard Thomas
Nov/2014 – Antwerp, Belgium   130 Kb (.pdf)
Promoting national hepatitis planning as a key step to a comprehensive approach to hepatitis prevention and care
Stefan Wiktor
Nov/2014 – Antwerp, Belgium   1.5 Mb (.pdf)
Nicola Rowan
Nov/2014 – Antwerp, Belgium   777 kB (.pdf)
Françoise Roudot-Thoraval
Nov/2014 – Antwerp, Belgium   417 Kb (.pdf)
Presentation of the meeting conclusions
David FitzSimons
Nov/2014 – Antwerp, Belgium   49 Kb (.pdf)
Conclusions of the VHPB Brazil meeting: Prevention and control of viral hepatitis in Brazil and other Latin American countries, lessons learnt and the way forward.
David FitzSimons
Mar/2014 – Brasilia, Brazil   57 kB (.pdf)
Cost of viral hepatitis treatment and challenges
Fábio Mesquita
Mar/2014 – Brasilia, Brazil   966 kB (.pdf)
Logistic problems to face delta hepatitis in the Amazonian countries
Thor Oliveira Dantas
Mar/2014 – Brasilia, Brazil   1.4 Mb (.pdf)
The role of civil society to define national response to viral hepatitis
Carlos Varaldo
Mar/2014 – Brasilia, Brazil   1.9 Mb (.pdf)
Challenges to care viral hepatitis patients in Latin America
Edison Parise
Mar/2014 – Brasilia, Brazil   1.4 Mb (.pdf)
Challenges for viral hepatitis prevention in Latin America
Laura Alves de Souza
Mar/2014 – Brasilia, Brazil   875 Kb (.pdf)
Molecular epidemiology of hepatitis C, B and D infection in Brazilian Amazonia
Wornei Braga
Mar/2014 – Brasilia, Brazil   2.8 Mb (.pdf)
Particular matters of viral hepatitis in the Brazilian Amazon
Juan Miguel Salcedo
Mar/2014 – Brasilia, Brazil   3.5 Mb (.pdf)
HIV and HBV/HCV co-infection
João Mendonça
Mar/2014 – Brasilia, Brazil   434 Kb (.pdf)
Epidemiology of hepatitis C in Brazil
Evaldo Stanislau
Mar/2014 – Brasilia, Brazil   2.4 Mb (.pdf)
Epidemiological heterogeneity of infections with hepatitis B and D viruses in Brazil
Gilberta Bensabath
Mar/2014 – Brasilia, Brazil   1.2 Mb (.pdf)
Epidemiology of Hepatitis A and E in Brazil
Themis Rebervel Silveira
Mar/2014 – Brasilia, Brazil   2.3 Mb (.pdf)
The Brazilian response to viral hepatitis /Brazilian Hepatitis Plan
Marcelo Naveira
Mar/2014 – Brasilia, Brazil   258 Kb (.pdf)
Burden of liver disease in Brazil
Angelo Alves de Mattos
Mar/2014 – Brasilia, Brazil   3.3 Mb (.pdf)
Organization of the public health system in Brazil
André Bonifácio
Mar/2014 – Brasilia, Brazil   808 Kb (.pdf)
The building of a viral hepatitis network in Latin America
Marcelo Silva
Mar/2014 – Brasilia, Brazil   1.7 Mb (.pdf)
Difficulty to implement an integrated Molecular Biology tool in Latin America(exemplified by Brazil).
Andreas Stöcker
Mar/2014 – Brasilia, Brazil   1.1 Mb (.pdf)
Hepatitis E infection in Latin America.
Angelo Alves de Mattos
Mar/2014 – Brasilia, Brazil   3 Mb (.pdf)
Impact of the single-dose immunization strategy against hepatitis A in Argentina.
Jorge Gonzalez
Mar/2014 – Brasilia, Brazil   4.4 Mb (.pdf)
Viral hepatitis issues in Peru
Carlos Benites
Mar/2014 – Brasilia, Brazil   3.9 Mb (.pdf)
Viral hepatitis issues in Caribbean
Fernando Contreras
Mar/2014 – Brasilia, Brazil   748 Kb (.pdf)
Viral hepatitis issues in Argentina
Gabriela Vidiella
Mar/2014 – Brasilia, Brazil   3.4 Mb (.pdf)
Liver transplantation in LA – The Brazilian example
Paulo Massarollo
Mar/2014 – Brasilia, Brazil   3.2 Mb (.pdf)
The burden of hepatocellular carcinoma related to viral hepatitis in Latin America.
Raymundo Paraná 
Mar/2014 – Brasilia, Brazil   3.6 Mb (.pdf)
Treatment Guidelines of the Latin American Association for the Study of the Liver
Nahum Méndez-Sánchez
Mar/2014 – Brasilia, Brazil   2.4 Mb (.pdf)
The Brazilian mathematical model
Marcelo Burattini
Mar/2014 – Brasilia, Brazil   1.4 Mb (.pdf)
World HepatitisAlliance – Patient point of view
Charles Gore
Mar/2014 – Brasilia, Brazil   231 Kb (.pdf)
WHO Global Viral Hepatitis plan
Massimo Ghidinelli
Mar/2014 – Brasilia, Brazil   2 Mb (.pdf)
Impact of VHPB meeting in Israel
Daniel Shouval
Mar/2014 – Brasilia, Brazil   1 Mb (.pdf)
Impact of VHPB meeting in Bulgaria
Mira Kojouharova
Mar/2014 – Brasilia, Brazil   615 Kb (.pdf)
Impact of VHPB meeting in Portugal
Rui Tato Marinho
Mar/2014 – Brasilia, Brazil   5 Mb (.pdf)
22 years VHPB: realisations and impact
Mark Kane/Johannes Hallauer
Mar/2014 – Brasilia, Brazil   2 Mb (.pdf)
Introduction of the VHPB
Pierre Van Damme
Mar/2014 – Brasilia, Brazil   2 Mb (.pdf)
The 2014 Brazilian Resolution at the World Health Assembly
Fábio Mesquita
Mar/2014 – Brasilia, Brazil   322 Kb (.pdf)
Viral hepatitis in Latin America and the Caribbean: a public health challenge
Massimo Ghidinelli
Mar/2014 – Brasilia, Brazil   1.6 Mb (.pdf)
Meeting Conclusion: A new era for screening and treatment of hepatitis C: a public health challenge.
David FitzSimons
Nov/2014 – Split, Croatia   55 Kb (.pdf)
Barriers to hepatitis C treatment
Philip Bruggmann
Nov/2014 – Split, Croatia   1.2 Mb (.pdf)
Prevention of Hepatitis C Virus transmission Among People Who Inject Drugs.
Sharon Hutchinson
Nov/2014 – Split, Croatia   1.2 Mb (.pdf)
Lessons learned from the treatment as prevention approach for HiV applicable to HCV.
Julio Montaner
Nov/2014 – Split, Croatia   6 Mb (.pdf)
Prospects for prophylactic and Therapeutic vaccines against the hepatitis C viruses in the world of improving treatment.
Jake Liang
Nov/2014 – Split, Croatia   4.3 Mb (.pdf)
Mediterranean and Balkan countries: executive summary of the Conference on Hepatitis B and C in Mediterranean and Balkan Countries, Nicosia, Cyprus 5-7 December 2012, organised by hepatitis B and C policy association. (focus on hepatitis C)
Spilios Manolakopoulos
Nov/2014 – Split, Croatia   375 Kb (.pdf)
Country examples of national Hepatitis C controlling programmes: Swedish Consensus Group. Treatment of hepatitis C virus infection in adults and children: updated Swedish consensus recommendations
Martin Lagging
Nov/2014 – Split, Croatia   174 Kb (.pdf)
Country examples of national Hepatitis C controlling programmes: The Netherlands: Hepatitis C treatment guidelines
Floor Berden
Nov/2014 – Split, Croatia   1.5 Mb (.pdf)
Country examples of national Hepatitis C controlling programmes: CROATIA
Tatjana Reic/ Prof Raiko Ostojic
Nov/2014 – Split, Croatia   948 Kb (.pdf)
Estimating the impact of hepatitis C virus therapy on future liver-related morbidity, mortality and costs related to chronic hepatitis in Europe.
Homie Razavi
Nov/2014 – Split, Croatia   538 Kb (.pdf)
USA: Public health impact of antiviral therapy for hepatitis C in the United States.
Michael Volk
Nov/2014 – Split, Croatia   103 Kb (.pdf)
HCV Testing Strategies and New Patient Identification in the United States
David Rein
Nov/2014 – Split, Croatia   282 Kb (.pdf)
Hepatitis C Screening: Key Issues and Evidence
David Goldberg
Nov/2014 – Split, Croatia   28 Kb (.pdf)
WHO Hepatitis C Therapeutic guidelines (they will be released before the end of 2013)
Stefan Wiktor
Nov/2014 – Split, Croatia   830 Kb (.pdf)
Market access and uptake of new antiviral drugs for the treatment of hepatitis.
Homie Razavi
Nov/2014 – Split, Croatia   571 Kb (.pdf)
Jake Liang
Benjamin Maasoumy
Nov/2014 – Split, Croatia   1.4 Mb (.pdf)
Overview of current developments in treatment of hepatitis C
Jake Liang
Nov/2014 – Split, Croatia   2.3 Mb (.pdf)
Hepatitis C in United States
John Ward
Nov/2014 – Split, Croatia   1.7 Mb (.pdf)
Presentation on epidemiology of hepatitis C in Europe- incidence, risk population, prevalence, disease burden (cirrhosis, HCC) and mortality
Erika Duffell 
Mar/2013 – Jerusalem, Israel   1,456 Kb (.pdf)
Patients Association: HETZ-The Israeli Association for the Health of the Liver.
Julio Burman
Mar/2013 – Jerusalem, Israel   1,900 Kb (.pdf)
Liver Transplantation for viral liver diseases in Israel.
Michal Carmiel
Mar/2013 – Jerusalem, Israel   269 Kb (.pdf)
Molecular epidemiology of hepatitis E in Israel
Nili Daudi
Mar/2013 – Jerusalem, Israel   229 Kb (.pdf)
Prevention and control of viral hepatitis in Israel: lesson learnt and the way forward. Meeting conclusions
David FitzSimons
Mar/2013 – Jerusalem, Israel   67 Kb (.pdf)
An outbreak of hepatitis A in adults in Tel-Aviv district.
Matthew Lewis
Mar/2013 – Jerusalem, Israel   1,614 Kb (.pdf)
HIV and HCV co-infection in Israel.
Margalit Lorber
Mar/2013 – Jerusalem, Israel   1,073 Kb (.pdf)
Epidemiology of HCV and HIV infection in patients with coagulation disorders.
Yaacov Maor
Mar/2013 – Jerusalem, Israel   254 Kb (.pdf)
Treatment policies and access to treatment for chronic hepatitis B and C
Tal Morginstin
Mar/2013 – Jerusalem, Israel   361 Kb (.pdf)
The National Advisory Committee on Immunization and infetious Diseases (NACIID) Israel.
Schmuel Rishpon
Mar/2013 – Jerusalem, Israel   190 Kb (.pdf)
The national hepatitis A vaccination programme and the impact of universal immunization on the molecular epidemiology of HAV infection.
Daniel Shouval, Ron Dagan
Mar/2013 – Jerusalem, Israel   763 Kb (.pdf)
Hepatitis viruses and HIV in intra-venous drug abusers.
Paula Roska
Mar/2013 – Jerusalem, Israel   583 Kb (.pdf)
Prevention and control of HBV and HCV in healthcare workers.
Bina Rubinowitch
Mar/2013 – Jerusalem, Israel   785 Kb (.pdf)
Hepatitis B and C in pregnancy in the Jewish and Arab population
Rifaat Safadi
Mar/2013 – Jerusalem, Israel   2,444 Kb (.pdf)
Epidemiology of hepatitis E in Israel
Eli Schwartz
Mar/2013 – Catania, Italy   1,537 Kb (.pdf)
introduction VHPB
VHPB Secretariat
Mar/2013 – Jerusalem, Israel   1,770 Kb (.pdf)
Evidence for a rising burden of hepatocellular carcinoma in Israel.
Oren Shibolet
Mar/2013 – Jerusalem, Israel   1,993 Kb (.pdf)
Sero-prevalence of HBs antibodies 19 years after introduction of universal vaccination against HBV in Israel.
Tamar Shohat
Mar/2013 – Jerusalem, Israel   591 Kb (.pdf)
Development and utilization of the PreS/S hepatitis B vaccine in Israel.
Daniel Shouval
Mar/2013 – Jerusalem, Israel   4,751 Kb (.pdf)
Epidemiology of hepatitis A in Israel
Daniel Shouval
Mar/2013 – Jerusalem, Israel   1,584 Kb (.pdf)
Concluding remarks on the prevention and control of viral hepatitis A, B and C in Israel 1972-2012.
Daniel Shouval
Mar/2013 – Jerusalem, Israel   190 Kb (.pdf)
Hepatitis A in Jerusalem : An exception which proves the rule?
Chen Stein-Zamir
Mar/2013 – Jerusalem, Israel   1,662 Kb (.pdf)
Hepatitis B vaccines in patients on hemodialysis in Israel
Talia Weinstein
Mar/2013 – Jerusalem, Israel   255 Kb (.pdf)
Epidemiology of hepatitis B and C in Israel
Eli Zuckerman
Mar/2013 – Jerusalem, Israel   314 Kb (.pdf)
Towards a network of influenza stakeholders in Turkey.
Selim Badur
Nov/2012 – Barcelona, Spain   1,399 Kb (.pdf)
Ensuring the willingness to vaccinate and be vaccinated.
Jean-Pierre  Bayens
Nov/2012 – Barcelona, Spain   141 Kb (.pdf)
Disparities in influenza vaccination coverage rates in health care workers and the ways to overcome the barriers.
Patricia Blank
Nov/2012 – Barcelona, Spain   2,337 Kb (.pdf)
Overview of current vaccination policies and recommendations in healthcare workers.
Fortunato Paolo D’Ancona
Nov/2012 – Barcelona, Spain   604 Kb (.pdf)
How to reach healthcare workers? Meeting conclusions
David FitzSimons
Nov/2012 – Barcelona, Spain   87 Kb (.pdf)
Mandatory influenza vaccination of healthcare workers: A succesful implementation by a community healthcare system.
Sheila Huynh
Nov/2012 – Barcelona, Spain   1,374 Kb (.pdf)
EMSA – European medical student association: Overview of current vaccination policies (survey).
EMSA Kathleen Janssen en Evy Vervecken
Nov/2012 – Barcelona, Spain   806 Kb (.pdf)
Influenza vaccination: how to reach heatlhcare workers
Anna Llupia
Nov/2012 – Barcelona, Spain   1,667 Kb (.pdf)
knowledge, attitudes and vaccination coverage of healthcare workers regarding occupational vaccination in France.
Pierre  Loulergue
Nov/2012 – Barcelona, Spain   421 Kb (.pdf)
Survey of vaccination policies in French healthcare institutions
Pierre  Loulergue
Nov/2012 – Barcelona, Spain   250 Kb (.pdf)
Attitudes toward mandatory occupational vaccinations and vaccination coverage against vaccine-preventable diseases of healthcare workers in primary health centres in Greece.
Helena Maltezou
Nov/2012 – Barcelona, Spain   1,590 Kb (.pdf)
Strategies to increase influenza vaccine uptake among healthcare workers in Greece.
Helena Maltezou
Nov/2012 – Barcelona, Spain   1,247 Kb (.pdf)
HproImmune: European project for the promotion of immunization for health professionals.
Carmen Montano
Nov/2012 – Barcelona, Spain   276 Kb (.pdf)
Can we know the immunization status of healthcare workers? Results of a feasability study in hospital trusts, England 2008.
Lorenzo  Pezzoli
Nov/2012 – Barcelona, Spain   888 Kb (.pdf)
Launch Euro Hepatitis Care Index.
Tatjana Reic
Nov/2012 – Barcelona, Spain   930 Kb(.pdf)
PAHO’s experience preventing Hepatitis B in the healthcare workforce in Latin America.
Julietta Rodriguez-Guzman
Nov/2012 – Barcelona, Spain   5,764 Kb (.pdf)
Overview of current vaccination policies and recommendations in healthcare Personnel. Center of Disease Control and Prvention (CDC)
Sarah Schillie
Nov/2012 – Barcelona, Spain   402 Kb (.pdf)
Obligatory occupational health check increases vaccination rates among medical students
Klaus Schmid
Nov/2012 – Barcelona, Spain   476 Kb (.pdf)
Introduction of the VHPB
VHPB secretariat
Nov/2012 – Barcelona, Spain   1,759 Kb (.pdf)
Vaccination coverage in healthcare workers in Italy.
Silvio Tafuri
Nov/2012 – Barcelona, Spain   685 Kb (.pdf)
Prevalence of markers for hepatitis B virus and vaccination compliance among medical school students in Italy.
Andrea Trevisan
Nov/2012 – Barcelona, Spain   357 Kb (.pdf)
Immunization for vaccine-preventable diseases: Why aren’t we protecting our students in US?
David Weber
Nov/2012 – Barcelona, Spain   1,327 Kb (.pdf)
Seroprevalence of vaccine preventable and blood transmissible viral infections
Sabine  Wicker
Nov/2012 – Barcelona, Spain   1,637 Kb (.pdf)
WHO Global Hepatitis programme
Stefan Wiktor
Nov/2012 – Barcelona, Spain   1,493 Kb (.pdf)
Introduction to the Viral Hepatitis Prevention Board (VHPB)
VHPB secretariat 
Mar/2012 – Copenhagen, Denmark   1,817 Kb (.pdf)
Nordic Countries: The health care systems and communicable disease control.
Hans Blystad
Mar/2012 – Copenhagen, Denmark   523 Kb (.pdf)
Norway: Hepatitis surveillance system and epidemiology in Northern Norway.
Hans Blystad
Mar/2012 – Copenhagen, Denmark   197 Kb (.pdf)
Alaska: Long-term hepatitis B immunogenicity studies in Alaska and the impact of vaccination on cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis B and liver cancer.
Lisa Bulkow
Mar/2012 – Copenhagen, Denmark   3,653 Kb (.pdf)
Burden and prevention of viral hepatitis in Arctic region. Meeting conclusions
David FitzSimons
Mar/2012 – Copenhagen, Denmark   57 Kb (.pdf)
Iceland: The health care systems and communicable disease control and hepatitis surveillance
Thorolfur Gudnason
Mar/2012 – Copenhagen, Denmark   585 Kb (.pdf)
Iceland: Epidemiology of viral hepatitis in Iceland.
Thorolfur Gudnason
Mar/2012 – Copenhagen, Denmark   1,669 Kb (.pdf)
Iceland: An interactive central database of vaccinations in Iceland and hepatitis B prevention programme.
Nicole Guérin
Mar/2012 – Copenhagen, Denmark   1,546 Kb (.pdf)
Greenland: Hepatitis Surveillance system and a population -based registry study of infant mortality in Arctic.
Anders Koch
Mar/2012 – Copenhagen, Denmark   907 Kb (.pdf)
Greenland: Molecular epidemiology: Classification of hepatitis B virus genotype B into 2 major types based on characterization of a novel subgenotype in Arctic indigenous populations.
Anders Koch
Mar/2012 – Copenhagen, Denmark   884 Kb (.pdf)
Greenland: Population-based comparative epidemiological survey of hepatitis B, D, and C among Inuit migrated to Denmark and in high endemic Greenland.
Henrik  Krarup
Mar/2012 – Copenhagen, Denmark   93 Kb (.pdf)
Finland: Hepatitis surveillance system and epidemiology in Northern Finland
Markky Kuusi
Mar/2012 – Copenhagen, Denmark   915 Kb (.pdf)
Greenland: Implementation and effectiveness of hepatitis B strategy in Greenland.
Karin Ladefoged
Mar/2012 – Copenhagen, Denmark   1,086 Kb (.pdf)
Greenland: Effectiveness of the Targeted Hepatitis B Vaccination Program in Greenland.
Malene Landbo Børresen
Mar/2012 – Copenhagen, Denmark   2,375 Kb (.pdf)
Greenland: Hepatitis D outbreak among children in a hepatitis B hyper-endemic settlement in Greenland.
Malene Landbo Børresen
Mar/2012 – Copenhagen, Denmark   1,222 Kb (.pdf)
The health care systems and communicable disease control and hepatitis Surveillance in Canada
Bryce Larke
Mar/2012 – Copenhagen, Denmark   2,494 Kb (.pdf)
Canada: Hepatitis Prevention and control in Canada.
Bryce Larke
Mar/2012 – Copenhagen, Denmark   1,209 Kb (.pdf)
Alaska: The health care systems and communicable disease control.
Brian McMahon
Mar/2012 – Copenhagen, Denmark   2,925 Kb (.pdf)
Management of Chronic Hepatitis B and C in Alaska Natives including surveillance for hepatocellular carcinoma
Brian McMahon
Mar/2012 – Copenhagen, Denmark   645 Kb (.pdf)
Alaska: Epidemiology of Viral hepatitis in Alaska.
Brian McMahon
Mar/2012 – Copenhagen, Denmark   775 Kb (.pdf)
Canada: The Epidemiology and Natural History of Viral Hepatitis in the Canadian North.
Gerald Minuk
Mar/2012 – Copenhagen, Denmark   1,035 Kb (.pdf)
Sweden: Hepatitis surveillance system and epidemiology in Northern Sweden.
Anders Nystedt
Mar/2012 – Copenhagen, Denmark   1,924 Kb (.pdf)
Circumpolar Health: improving the health of the indigenous population and role of Circumpolar Health Organizations.
Alan Parkinson
Mar/2012 – Copenhagen, Denmark   6,774 Kb (.pdf)
Greenland: The health care systems, communicable diseases control and introduction of vaccination against Hepatitis B in childhood immunization program.
Flemming Kleist  Stenz
Mar/2012 – Copenhagen, Denmark   1,595 Kb (.pdf)
Hepatitis C incidence and prevention activities targeting young people in Norrbotten County, Sweden.
Ann-Louise Svedberg
Mar/2012 – Copenhagen, Denmark   133 Kb (.pdf)
Alaska: Statewide Hepatitis A vaccination program over the last 25 years.
Timothy Thomas
Mar/2012 – Copenhagen, Denmark   242 kb (.pdf)
Alaska: Hepatitis Surveillance system in Alaska, including hepatitis A surveillance.
Timothy Thomas
Mar/2012 – Copenhagen, Denmark   405 Kb (.pdf)
Russia: Epidemiology of viral hepatitis in Russia (Arctic region).
Andrey Tulisov
Mar/2012 – Copenhagen, Denmark   5,432 Kb (.pdf)
Russia: Hepatitis prevention activities in Northern Russia (Arkhangelsk region).
Andrey Tulisov
Mar/2012 – Copenhagen, Denmark   248 Kb (.pdf)
Greenland: DANHEP: clinical hepatitis database in Denmark and Greenland
Nina Weis
Mar/2012 – Copenhagen, Denmark   999 Kb (.pdf)
HAV and HBV vaccination in drug users.
Alex Vorsters
Sep/2011 – Brussels, Belgium   227Kb (.pdf)
Switched memory B cells maintain specific memory independently of serum antibodies
Rita Carsetti
Nov/2011 – Milan, Italy   3,008 Kb (.pdf)
Long-term persistence of T cell memory in Italian vaccinees
Mario Clerici
Nov/2011 – Milan, Italy   635 Kb (.pdf)
Spain: Epidemiology of acute hepatitis B nineteen years after the introduction of universal vaccination of preadolescents in Catalonia (Spain).
Angela Dominguez
Nov/2011 – Milan, Italy   875 Kb (.pdf)
Hepatitis B vaccination: a completed schedule … enough to control HBV lifelong? – meeting conclusions
David FitzSimons
Nov/2011 – Milan, Italy   56 Kb (.pdf)
Phenotypic methods for investigating the impact of variation on HBsAg antigenicity.
Samreen Ijaz
Nov/2011 – Milan, Italy   360 Kb (.pdf)
Humoral and cellular immune responses after hepatitis B (booster) vaccination. How long will immune memory last?
Wolfgang Jilg
Nov/2011 – Milan, Italy   604 Kb (.pdf)
Bulgaria: Impact of the universal newborn HBV vaccination programme: 20 years after.
Mira Kojouharova
Nov/2011 – Milan, Italy   151 Kb (.pdf)
Role of adjuvants on long term immunity.
Geert Leroux-Roels
Nov/2011 – Milan, Italy   2,867 Kb (.pdf)
30 year follow up study after Hepatitis B vaccination in Alaska.
Brian McMahon
Nov/2011 – Milan, Italy   635 Kb (.pdf)
Differences in response to a hepatitis B vaccine booster dose among Alaskan children and adolescents vaccinated during infancy.
Brian McMahon
Nov/2011 – Milan, Italy   153 Kb (.pdf)
Italy: Impact of universal vaccination programmes on the epidemiology of hepatitis B in Italy (SEIEVA results)
Alfonso Mele
Nov/2011 – Milan, Italy   452 Kb (.pdf)
USA: Impact of universal vaccination programmes: surveillance for acute viral hepatitis – United States
Trudy Murphy
Nov/2011 – Milan, Italy   321 Kb (.pdf)
Evidence of protection against clinical and chronic hepatitis B infection 20 years after infant vaccination in Thailand
Yong  Poovorawan
Nov/2011 – Milan, Italy   1,226 Kb (.pdf)
Thailand: Hepatitis B seroprevalence in Thailand: 15 years after hepatitis B vaccine integration into the national expanded programme on immunization.
Yong Poovorawan
Nov/2011 – Milan, Italy   1,683 Kb (.pdf)
Impact of natural boostering on long-term protection against hepatitis B after newborn (HBsAg + mothers) vaccination.
Ludek Roznovsky
Nov/2011 – Milan, Italy   508 Kb (.pdf)
Breakthrough HBV infections in vaccinated people: a ten years surveillance study in Italy
Maria Elena Tosti
Nov/2011 – Milan, Italy   252 Kb (.pdf)
Influencing factors on long-term protection of hepatitis B after infant vaccination
Marianne van der Sande
Nov/2011 – Milan, Italy   384 Kb (.pdf)
VHPB Introduction
Pierre Van Damme
Nov/2011 – Milan, Italy   1,683 Kb (.pdf)
Current CDC Hepatitis B immunization policy. Is there enough evidence for booster policy?
John Ward
Nov/2011 – Milan, Italy   371 Kb (.pdf)
Gambia: 20 years into the Gambia Hepatitis Intervention Study: assessment of initial hypotheses and prospects for evaluation of protective effectiveness against liver cancer
Hilton Whittle
Nov/2011 – Milan, Italy   237 Kb (.pdf)
WHO booster policy –GRADE approach
Steven Wiersma
Nov/2011 – Milan, Italy   873 Kb (.pdf)
Mathematical model of the antibody response to hepatitis B vaccines: implications for reduced schedules. Basis for policy
Jamie Wilson
Nov/2011 – Milan, Italy   2,3 Mb (.pdf)
Long-term immunogenicity of hepatitis B vaccination and policy for booster: an Italian policy.
Alessandro Zanetti
Nov/2011 – Milan, Italy   92 Kb (.pdf)
Hepatitis B immune memory in children primed with hexavalent vaccines
Alessandro Zanetti
Nov/2011 – Milan, Italy   177 Kb (.pdf)
Phylogenetic reconstruction of two large HAV outbreaks occurring simultaneously in different regions
Anton Andonov
Mar/2011 – Sofia, Bulgaria   1,684 Kb (.pdf)
Treatment and laboratory monitoring of chronic hepatitis patients in Bulgaria
Krasimir Antonov
Mar/2011 – Sofia, Bulgaria   1,769 Kb (.pdf)
Prevention of viral hepatitis transmission through blood transfusions
Svetla Bakalova
Mar/2011 – Sofia, Bulgaria   1,522 Kb (.pdf)
IDU risk group and viral hepatitis
Violeta Bogdanova
Mar/2011 – Cannes, France   2,852 Kb (.pdf)
Burden and prevention of viral hepatitis in Bulgaria – meeting conclusions
David FitzSimons
Mar/2011 – Sofia, Bulgaria   64 Kb (.pdf)
Our experience in prevention by selective immunization agains viral hepatitis A and B of the staff of military medical academy– Bulgaria
Andrey Galev
Mar/2011 – Sofia, Bulgaria   1.8 Mb (.pdf)
Protection of medical staff through hepatitis B vaccination: serological and epidemiological data from hospitals in Bulgaria
Nina Gatcheva
Mar/2011 – Sofia, Bulgaria   1.5 Mb (.pdf)
Viral hepatitis The patients’ impact in Bulgaria (Hepasist)
Stanimir Hasurdjev
Mar/2011 – Sofia, Bulgaria   1.2 Mb (.pdf)
Organisaton and funding of the heath system in Bulgaria
Tatiana Ivanonva
Mar/2011 – Sofia, Bulgaria  

1.6 Mb (.pdf)

Healthcare Policy for vulnerable groups, especially Roma in Bulgaria
Rossitza Ivanova
Mar/2011 – Sofia, Bulgaria   782 Kb (.pdf)
Seroepidemiological study on HBV and HCV prevalence in Bulgaria
Ani Kevorkian
Mar/2011 – Sofia, Bulgaria   1.7 Mb (.pdf)
Epidemiological effectiveness of the Universal newborn HBV vaccination: 20 years after
Mira Kojouharova
Mar/2011 – Sofia, Bulgaria   89 Kb (.pdf)
Hepatitis A in city of Plovdiv in 2006 – outbreak investigation and control measures
Angel Kunchev, Monika Troyancheva
Mar/2011 – Sofia, Bulgaria   1.2 Mb (.pdf)
National hepatitis B vaccination programme: Cost-Benefit assessment of introduction of Universal HBV vaccination of newborns in Bulgaria
Anna Kurchatova
Mar/2011 – Sofia, Bulgaria   454 Kb (.pdf)
Economic analysis of the universal HBV vaccination 20 years after introduction
Guenka Petrova
Mar/2011 – Sofia, Bulgaria   825 Kb (.pdf)
Bulgarian national immunisation programme
Filipova Radosveta
Mar/2011 – Sofia, Bulgaria   657 Kb (.pdf)
Clinical aspects of viral hepatitis
Tatiana Tcherveniakova
Mar/2011 – Sofia, Bulgaria   3.9 Mb (.pdf)
Molecular epidmiology of HBV and HCV in Bulgaria
Pavel Teoharov
Mar/2011 – Sofia, Bulgaria   1.9 Mb (.pdf)
Concept of health mediators-history, job description and mediator’s activities
Ivailo Tournev
Mar/2011 – Sofia, Bulgaria   2.4 Mb (.pdf)
Quality of life of patients with HBV infections- case study SF 36
Alexandra Tzenova-Savova
Mar/2011 – Sofia, Bulgaria   453 Kb (.pdf)
Introduction of the VHPB
Pierre Van Damme
Mar/2011 – Sofia, Bulgaria   1.4 Mb (.pdf)
Health care-associated viral hepatitis C
Rossitza Vatcheva-Dobrevska
Mar/2011 – Sofia, Bulgaria   1.1 Mb (.pdf)
sero-epidemiology of viral hepatitis in haemodialysis patients and control measures
Evgueniy Vazelov, Valentin Mushekov
Mar/2011 – Sofia, Bulgaria   461 Kb (.pdf)
Epidemiology of Viral Hepatitis in Bulgaria
Nadezhda Vladimirova
Mar/2011 – Sofia, Bulgaria   519 Kb (.pdf)
Impact of the hepatitis resolution adopted by the World Health Assembly (WHA 63.18)
Steven Wiersma
Mar/2011 – Sofia, Bulgaria   236 Kb (.pdf)
Liver transplant and viral hepatitis in Portugal
Eduardo Barroso
Nov/2010 – Lisbon, Portugal   1.6 Mb (.pdf)
Viral hepatitis surveillance systemin Portugal
Mario Carreira
Nov/2010 – Lisbon, Portugal   70 Kb (.pdf)
Viral hepatitis in haemodialysis
Armando Carvalho
Nov/2010 – Lisbon, Portugal   3.3 Mb (.pdf)
Epidemiology of viral hepatitis in pediatric patients (hepatitis B)
Goncalo Cordeiro Ferreira
Nov/2010 – Lisbon, Portugal   76 Kb (.pdf)
Blood bank screening in Portugal
Gabriel de Olim
Nov/2010 – Lisbon, Portugal   575 Kb (.pdf)
Meeting conclusions VHPB meeting Portugal nov 2010
David FitzSimons
Nov/2010 – Lisbon, Portugal   94 Kb (.pdf)
The epidemiological situation of hepatitis E in Portugal
Sara Folgado Alberto
Nov/2010 – Lisbon, Portugal   560 Kb (.pdf)
Reforms in the health system: “The health Transformation Programme” in Portugal
Francisco George
Nov/2010 – Lisbon, Portugal   419 Kb (.pdf)
Economic aspects of viral hepatitis and liver disease in Portugal
José Giria
Nov/2010 – Lisbon, Portugal   430 Kb (.pdf)
The epidemiology of hepatitis A in Portugal: targeted vaccination versus universal immunization
Sandra Guedes
Nov/2010 – Lisbon, Portugal   249 Kb (.pdf)
Viral hepatitis and pregnancy
Christina Guerreiro
Nov/2010 – Lisbon, Portugal   1.3 Mb (.pdf)
Key note lecture: Viral Hepatitis
Daniel Lavanchy
Nov/2010 – Lisbon, Portugal   702 Kb (.pdf)
Epidemiology of viral hepatitis in pediatric patients (hepatitis C)
Ana Isabel Lopes
Nov/2010 – Lisbon, Portugal   751 Kb (.pdf)
Epidemiological situation of hepatitis B in Portugal
Rui Tato Marinho
Nov/2010 – Lisbon, Portugal   1,682 Kb (.pdf)
Molecular epidemiology of viral hepatitis C in Portugal
Antonio Martinho
Nov/2010 – Lisbon, Portugal   1 Mb (.pdf)
Molecular epidemiology of viral hepatitis B in Portugal
Ana Paula Mota
Nov/2010 – Lisbon, Portugal   903 Kb (.pdf)
The epidemiology of viral hepatitis in Portuguese IV drug addiction
José Padua
Nov/2010 – Lisbon, Portugal   1.3 Mb (.pdf)
The epidemiological situation of hepatitis C in Portugal
Paula Peixe
Nov/2010 – Lisbon, Portugal   675 Kb (.pdf)
Liver Patients association vision and activities
Emilia Rodrigues
Nov/2010 – Lisbon, Portugal   1.6 Mb (.pdf)
Can Portugal learn from France?
Francoise Roudot-Thoraval
Nov/2010 – Lisbon, Portugal   102 Kb (.pdf)
Epidemiology of co-infection (HIV,HCV) in Portugal
Rui Sarmento e Castro
Nov/2010 – Lisbon, Portugal   701 Kb (.pdf)
The syringe exchange programme in Portugal
Carla  Torre
Nov/2010 – Lisbon, Portugal   3.3 Mb (.pdf)
HBV immunization policies and lessons learnt afer 10 years
Paula Valente
Nov/2010 – Lisbon, Portugal   558 Kb (.pdf)
Introduction of the VHPB
Pierre Van Damme
Nov/2010 – Lisbon, Portugal   958 Kb (.pdf)
Impact of the adaptation of the hepatitis resolution (WHA 63.18) by the World Health Assembly
Steven Wiersma
Nov/2010 – Lisbon, Portugal   367 Kb (.pdf)
Revisiting Wilson and Jungner in the genomic age: a review of screening criteria over the past 40 years.
Anne Andermann
Mar/2010 – Budapest, Hungary   518 Kb (.pdf)
Geoff Becket
Mar/2010 – Budapest, Hungary   907 Kb (.pdf)
Vladimir Chulanov
Mar/2010 – Budapest, Hungary   463 Kb (.pdf)
Migrant screening: challenges and options
Rowan Cody
Mar/2010 – Budapest, Hungary   58 Kb (.pdf)
Isabelle Colle
Mar/2010 – Budapest, Hungary   200 Kb (.pdf)
Screening for chronic kidney disease: Where does Europe go?
Paul E de Jong
Mar/2010 – Budapest, Hungary   954 Kb (.pdf)
Recommendations regarding viral hepatitis care and treatment. Whom to treat-When to treat?
Geoffrey Dusheiko
Mar/2010 – Budapest, Hungary   867 Kb (.pdf)
Meeting conclusions
David FitzSimons
Mar/2010 – Budapest, Hungary   85 Kb (.pdf)
David Goldberg
Mar/2010 – Budapest, Hungary   302 kB (.pdf)
United Kingdom
William Irving
Mar/2010 – Budapest, Hungary   118 kB (.pdf)
Introduction of the VHPB
Mark Kane
Mar/2010 – Budapest, Hungary   716 Kb (.pdf)
Brian McMahon
Mar/2010 – Budapest, Hungary   622 Kb (.pdf)
Institute of Medicine (IOM)
Brian McMahon
Mar/2010 – Budapest, Hungary   820 Kb (.pdf)
Surveillance data and case definitions to define the burden of disease in Europe
David Mercer
Mar/2010 – Budapest, Hungary   544 Kb (.pdf)
Nadine  Piorkowsky
Mar/2010 – Budapest, Hungary   742 Kb (.pdf)
Daniele Prati
Mar/2010 – Budapest, Hungary   585 Kb (.pdf)
Francoise Roudot-Thoraval
Mar/2010 –    793 Kb (.pdf)
Need for long term evaluation of therapy
Solko Schalm
Mar/2010 – Budapest, Hungary   469 Kb (.pdf)
Long term effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of screening of hepatitis C virus infection.
Gaby Sroczynski
Mar/2010 – Budapest, Hungary   425 Kb (.pdf)
Heiner Wedemeyer
Mar/2010 – Budapest, Hungary   1,753 Kb (.pdf)
update on treatment for hepatitis B and C
Heiner Wedemeyer
Mar/2010 – Budapest, Hungary   1,293 Kb (.pdf)
Steven Wiersma
Mar/2010 – Budapest, Hungary   420 Kb (.pdf)
Burden of disease of viral hepatitis
Steven Wiersma
Mar/2010 – Budapest, Hungary   775 Kb (.pdf)
Economics of chronic hepatitis B and hepatitis C
John wong
Mar/2010 – Budapest, Hungary   486 Kb (.pdf)
Introduction of the VHPB
 , Pierre Van Damme
Nov/2009 – Istanbul, Turkey   646 Kb (.pdf)
Molecular epidemiology of viral hepatitis in Turkey
Hakan  Abacioglu
Nov/2009 – Istanbul, Turkey   3.7 Mb (.pdf)
Mutants problems in Turkey
Ulus Akarca
Nov/2009 – Istanbul, Turkey   1 Mb (.pdf)
Economic aspects of viral hepatitis in Turkey
Levent Akin
Nov/2009 – Istanbul, Turkey   874 Kb (.pdf)
Therapeutic algorithm in the treatment of chronic hepatitis in Turkey
Yilmaz Cakaloglu
Nov/2009 – Istanbul, Turkey   485 Kb (.pdf)
The hepatitis A vaccination in Turkey: targeted versus universal
Mehmet Ceyhan
Nov/2009 – Istanbul, Turkey   1,169 Kb (.pdf)
Victimes of human trafficking and viral hepatitis
Muhtar Cokar
Nov/2009 – Kyiv, Ukraine   888 Kb (.pdf)
Healthcare workers and viral hepatitis
Bulent Degertekin
Nov/2009 – Istanbul, Turkey   478 Kb (.pdf)
HBV prevention and control programmes in Turkey and in the European Region of WHO
Nedret Emiroglu
Nov/2009 – Istanbul, Turkey   671 Kb (.pdf)
The epidemiological situation of hepatitis C in Turkey
Selda Erensoy
Nov/2009 – Istanbul, Turkey   1.2 Mb (.pdf)
Conclusions VHPB Turkey meeting 2009
David FitzSimons
Nov/2009 – Istanbul, Turkey   87 Kb (.pdf)
Results from the blood bank screening in Turkey
Yasemin Heper
Nov/2009 – Istanbul, Turkey   284 Kb (.pdf)
Viral hepatitis and Transplantation.
Zeki Karasu
Nov/2009 – Istanbul, Turkey   1.8 Mb (.pdf)
Global HCV prevention and control measures: lesson learnt and opportunities
Daniel Lavanchy
Nov/2009 – Istanbul, Turkey   403 Kb (.pdf)
Speeding-up Hepatitis B and C control in WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region
Ezzedine Mohsni
Nov/2009 – Istanbul, Turkey   2.9 Mb (.pdf)
HBV immunization policies and lessons learnt after 10 years of implementation
Umit Ozdemirer
Nov/2009 – Istanbul, Turkey   2.4 Mb (.pdf)
Communicable diseases surveillance systems and immunization service delivery
Umit Ozedemirer
Nov/2009 – Istanbul, Turkey   881 Kb (.pdf)
The epidemiological situation of hepatitis B and D in Turkey
Arzu Sayiner
Nov/2009 – Istanbul, Turkey   706 Kb (.pdf)
Approach of NGO’s
Nurdan Tozun
Nov/2009 – Istanbul, Turkey   934 Kb (.pdf)
Epidemiology of chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis in Turkey
Cihan Yurdaydin
Nov/2009 – Istanbul, Turkey   2.1 Mb (.pdf)
Increase in Hepatitis A cases in the Czech Republic in 2008
J Cástková
Mar/2009 – Antwerp, Belgium   270 Kb (.pdf)
Autochthonous hepatitis E in Southwest England.
Harry R Dalton
Mar/2009 – Antwerp, Belgium   460 Kb (.pdf)
Non-travel related Hepatitis E virus infections in the Netherlands.
Erwin Duizer
Mar/2009 – Antwerp, Belgium   471 Kb (.pdf)
Presentation of the VHPB meeting conclusions.
David FitzSimons
Mar/2009 – Antwerp, Belgium   128 Kb (.pdf)
Prevalence of hepatitis E virus infection in children in Northeast of Spain.
Rosina Girones
Mar/2009 –    137 Kb (.pdf)
Distribution of hepatitis E virus in the environment.
Rosina Girones
Mar/2009 – Antwerp, Belgium   988 Kb (.pdf)
Hepatitis E in Asian Region.
Emily Gurley
Mar/2009 – Antwerp, Belgium   3.9 Mb (.pdf)
Safety and efficacy of a recombinant hepatitis E vaccine.
Bruce Innis
Mar/2009 – Antwerp, Belgium   194 Kb (.pdf)
Hepatitis E Virus Infection in Germany
Wolfgang Jilg
Mar/2009 – Antwerp, Belgium   173 Kb (.pdf)
Hepatitis E virus and chronic hepatitis in organ-transplant recipients.
Nassim Kamar
Mar/2009 – Antwerp, Belgium   1.5 Mb (.pdf)
Pathogenesis and natural history of hepatitis E.
Krzysztof  Krawczynski
Mar/2009 – Antwerp, Belgium   1.2 Mb (.pdf)
Acute hepatitis E in south-west France over a 5-year period
Jean Michel Mansuy
Mar/2009 – Antwerp, Belgium   655 Kb (.pdf)
Update on Hepatitis A epidemiology and prevention in WHO European Region
David Mercer
Mar/2009 – Antwerp, Belgium   132 Kb (.pdf)
The seroprevalence of HEV in the National Health and Nutrition Sample of the United States population.
Kenrad Nelson
Mar/2009 – Antwerp, Belgium   646 Kb (.pdf)
Molecular epidemiology of hepatitis E, taxonomy, molecular biology,genotypes and subtypes
Helene Norder
Mar/2009 – Antwerp, Belgium   299 Kb (.pdf)
EVENT, a network for harmonization typing of HAV and for alerting on hepatitis A outbreaks.
Helene Norder
Mar/2009 – Antwerp, Belgium   110 Kb (.pdf)
Hepatitis E: a curious zoönosis
Nicole  Pavio
Mar/2009 – Antwerp, Belgium   753 Kb (.pdf)
Community-wide outbreak of Hepatitis A in Latvia
J Perevoscikovs
Mar/2009 – Antwerp, Belgium   2.8 Mb (.pdf)
Hepatitis E from A to Z: Discovery and Characterization
Robert  Purcell
Mar/2009 – Antwerp, Belgium   2.9 Mb (.pdf)
Global overview on the effectiveness of Hepatitis A vaccination programs
Umid Sharapov
Mar/2009 – Antwerp, Belgium   622 Kb (.pdf)
Randomized-controlled phase II clinical trial of a bacterially expressed recombinant hepatitis E vaccine.
James Wai-kuo Shih
Mar/2009 – Antwerp, Belgium   1 Mg (.pdf)
What are the risk factors with an impact on fatality rate in fulminant hepatitis A?
Daniel Shouval
Mar/2009 – Antwerp, Belgium   536 Kb (.pdf)
Hepatitis E vaccine: Clinical experience
Mrigendra Shrestha
Mar/2009 – Antwerp, Belgium   716 Kb (.pdf)
Long-term immunity induced by hepatitis A vaccines: an update
Koen Van Herck
Mar/2009 – Antwerp, Belgium   263 Kb (.pdf)
Summary of major findings and conclusions of Global Hepatitis A meeting, Miami dec. 2007
Pierre Van Damme
Mar/2009 – Antwerp, Belgium   562 Kb (.pdf)
Introduction of the VHPB
Pierre Van Damme
Mar/2009 – Antwerp, Belgium   1.2 MB (.pdf)
Correlation between humoral and cellular immune responses and the expression of the hepatitis A receptor HAVcr-1 on T cells after Hepatitis A vaccination in high and low responder.
Ursula Wiedermann
Mar/2009 – Antwerp, Belgium   771 kB (.pdf)
Review of the Hepatitis A WHO position paper: need for an update?
Steven Wiersma
Mar/2009 – Antwerp, Belgium   196 kB (.pdf)
Hepatitis E in Italy
Alessandro Zanetti
Mar/2009 – Antwerp, Belgium   360 Kb (.pdf)
Pregnancy and viral hepatitis.
Greet Boland
Nov/2008 – Rotterdam, The Netherlands   338 Kb (.pdf)
Molecular epidemiology of HBV infection in The Netherlands.
Hein Boot
Nov/2008 – Rotterdam, The Netherlands   375 Kb (.pdf)
Approach to the different risk groups for HBV and/or HCV.
Robert  de Knegt
Nov/2008 – Rotterdam, The Netherlands   477 Kb (.pdf)
Update on prevention and control of hepatitis B in WHO European Region.
Nedret Emiroglu
Nov/2008 – Rotterdam, The Netherlands   509 Kb (.pdf)
Presentation of the VHPB meeting conclusions
David FitzSimons
Nov/2008 – Rotterdam, The Netherlands   142 Kb (.pdf)
Overview of HAV, HBV, HCV surveillance in The Netherlands
Susan Hahné
Nov/2008 – Rotterdam, The Netherlands   389 Kb (.pdf)
Hepatitis B vaccination in The Netherlands: Risk group approach.
Susan Hahné
Nov/2008 – Rotterdam, The Netherlands   450 Kb (.pdf)
National immunisation program and viral hepatitis immunisation policies.
Hans Houweling
Nov/2008 – Rotterdam, The Netherlands   1 Mb (.pdf)
Need for chronic viral hepatitis monitoring system.
Harry Janssen
Nov/2008 – Rotterdam, The Netherlands   1 Mb (.pdf)
Epidemiology of hepatitis B infection in The Netherlands.
Myriam  Kretzschmar
Nov/2008 – Kyiv, Ukraine   847 Kb (.pdf)
National program and epidemiology of hepatitis C in the Netherlands.
Henk Reesink
Nov/2008 – Edinburgh, United Kingdom   279 Kb (.pdf)
Hepatitis B vaccination in The Netherlands: Universal approach
Clemence  Richter
Nov/2008 – Rotterdam, The Netherlands   474 Kb (.pdf)
Mortality from viral hepatitis in The Netherlands
Solko Schalm
Nov/2008 – Rotterdam, The Netherlands   382 Kb (.pdf)
Epidemiology of Hepatitis C infections in The Netherlands.
Serena Slavenburg
Nov/2008 – Rotterdam, The Netherlands   383 Kb (.pdf)
Molecular epidemiology of HCV infection in The Netherlands
Thijs van de Laar
Nov/2008 – Rotterdam, The Netherlands   530 Kb (.pdf)
Epidemiology of hepatitis A and E in The Netherlands.
Jim van Steenbergen
Nov/2008 – Rotterdam, The Netherlands   1 Mb (.pdf)
Limited control of Hepatitis A by decentralized vaccination strategies
Jim van Steenbergen
Nov/2008 – Rotterdam, The Netherlands   234 Kb (.pdf)
Introduction of the VHPB.
Pierre Van Damme
Nov/2008 – Rotterdam, The Netherlands   1 Mb (.pdf)
Screening of migrants.
Irene Veldhuijzen
Nov/2008 – Rotterdam, The Netherlands   399 Kb (.pdf)
Migration and viral hepatitis.
Tania Wörmann
Nov/2008 – Rotterdam, The Netherlands   686 Kb (.pdf)
Health care-associated viral hepatitis.
Hans Zaaijer
Nov/2008 – Rotterdam, The Netherlands   275 Kb (.pdf)
Belgium: Carrefour Hépatites-Aide et Contact // Vereniging voor hepatitis C patienten.
Muriel  Colinet,  Marie-Fabienne Van den Berghe
Mar/2008 – Lucca, Italy   945 Kb (.pdf)
Presentation of the VHPB meeting conclusions.
David FitzSimons
Mar/2008 – Lucca, Italy   75 Kb (.pdf)
Italy: EpaC
Ivan  Gardini
Mar/2008 – Lucca, Italy   634 Kb (.pdf)
Hepatitis B priority area for European policy; Call for action by the European Parliament.
Charles Gore
Mar/2008 – Lucca, Italy   81 Kb (.pdf)
World Hepatitis Day (WHD).
Charles Gore
Mar/2008 – Lucca, Italy   56 Kb (.pdf)
Bulgaria: Hepasist.
Stanimir Hasurdjiev
Mar/2008 – Lucca, Italy   5,984 Kb (.pdf)
Relationship between industry and patient organisations: European Federation of Pharmaceutical industries and associations (EFPIA) ethical code.
Luc Hessel
Mar/2008 – Lucca, Italy   511 Kb (.pdf)
Germany: Deutsche Leberhilfe.
Achim Kautz
Mar/2008 – Lucca, Italy   54 Kb (.pdf)
US: The Hepatitis Foundation International.
Thelma King Thiel
Mar/2008 – Lucca, Italy   61 Kb (.pdf)
European patient groups for rare diseases.
Michele Lipucci di Paola
Mar/2008 – Lucca, Italy   810 Kb (.pdf)
UK: British Liver Trust .
Sarah Matthews
Mar/2008 – Lucca, Italy   470 Kb (.pdf)
Update on prevention and control of hepatitis B in WHO European Region.
Liudmila Mosina
Mar/2008 – Lucca, Italy   1,022 Kb (.pdf)
The European Immunization Week
Liudmila Mosina
Mar/2008 – Lucca, Italy   856 Kb (.pdf)
Prevention and control of viral hepatitis; the role and impact of liver patient groups in Europe: general considerations.
Nadine  Piorkowsky
Mar/2008 – Lucca, Italy   308 Kb (.pdf)
Croatia: Hepatos.
Tatjana Reic
Mar/2008 – Lucca, Italy   356 Kb (.pdf)
Poland: Prometeuze.
Ilona Sikorska
Mar/2008 – Lucca, Italy   75 Kb (.pdf)
Advocating for immigrant communities at risk.
Samuel So
Mar/2008 – Lucca, Italy   1.3 Mb (.pdf)
The Netherlands : National Hepatitis Centre.
Paula  Van Leeuwen
Mar/2008 – Lucca, Italy   77 Kb (.pdf)
Introduction of the VHPB
Pierre Van Damme
Mar/2008 – Lucca, Italy   423 Kb (.pdf)
Prevention and control of viral hepatitis in the US; the National Viral Hepatitis Roundtable.
Deborah L. Wexler
Mar/2008 – Lucca, Italy   1.4 Mb (.pdf)
Viral hepatitis coinfection in HIV-infected patients
Ioannis Baraboutis
Nov/2007 – Athens, Greece   1.2 Mb (.pdf)
Cohort of HBV and HCV patients
Emanuel Manesis
Nov/2007 – Athens, Greece   448 Kb (.pdf)
EUVAC.NET’s activities: Expectations and results
Mark Muscat
Nov/2007 – Athens, Greece   1.2 Mb (.pdf)
Viral hepatitis A, B and C surveillance in Greece
Georgia Nikolopoulo
Nov/2007 – Athens, Greece   316 Kb (.pdf)
Hepatitis B and hepatitis A vaccination uptake in the child population of Greece
Takis Panagiotopoulos
Nov/2007 – Athens, Greece   196 Kb (.pdf)
Epidemiology of hepatitis B and D in Greece
George Papaetheodoridis
Nov/2007 – Athens, Greece   355 Kb (.pdf)
Hepatitis B immunization policies
Vassiliki Papaevangelou
Nov/2007 – Athens, Greece   198 Kb (.pdf)
The hepatitis A vaccination program in Greece: Targeted versus universal immunization
Vassiliki Papaevangelou
Nov/2007 – Athens, Greece   449 Kb (.pdf)
Epidemiology of hepatitis A and E in Greece
Vassiliki Papaevangelou
Nov/2007 – Athens, Greece   281 Kb (.pdf)
Molecular epidemiology of HBV and HCV in Greece
Dimitros Paraskevis
Nov/2007 – Athens, Greece   3 Mb (.pdf)
Universal vaccination against hepatitis A: Lessons from the experience in Immunization of toddlers in Israel
Daniel Shouval
Nov/2007 – Athens, Greece   316 Kb (.pdf)
National seroprevalence study: Discussion of different approaches.
Giota Touloumi
Nov/2007 – Athens, Greece   235 Kb (.pdf)
Organization of the health care system and financement in Greece
Yannis Tountas
Nov/2007 – Athens, Greece   275 Kb (.pdf)
Experience gained from surveillance of infectious diseases during the Olympics. How can we extend it to real life?
Sotirios Tsiodras
Nov/2007 – Athens, Greece   951 Kb (.pdf)
Introduction of the Viral Hepatitis Prevention Board (VHPB).
Pierre Van Damme
Nov/2007 – Athens, Greece   366 Kb (.pdf)
Prevention and control of viral hepatitis virus in Greece: Lessons learnt and the way forward
Pierre Van Damme
Nov/2007 – Athens, Greece   181 Kb (.pdf)
Surveillance in blood bank in Greece
Agoritsa Varaklioti
Nov/2007 – Athens, Greece   240 Kb (.pdf)
Migration and viral hepatitis
Vasiliki Vasilopoulou
Nov/2007 – Athens, Greece   205 Kb (.pdf)
National program for viral hepatitis prevention and control
Anastasia Zisouli
Nov/2007 – Athens, Greece   247 Kb (.pdf)
Introduction of the Hellenic Centre for Infectious Disease Control (KEEL)
Anastasia Zisouli
Nov/2007 – Athens, Greece   29 Kb (.pdf)
Adolescent health programme and its contribution to the success of vaccination in Turkey.
Selim Badur
Mar/2007 – Ljubljana, Slovenia   63 Kb (.pdf)
Adolescent health programme and its contribution to the success of vaccination in Italy.
Paolo Bonanni
Mar/2007 – Ljubljana, Slovenia   94 Kb (.pdf)
Gaps in knowledge on adolescent health.
Ueli Bühlmann
Mar/2007 – Ljubljana, Slovenia   555 Kb (.pdf)
Adolescent health programme and its contribution to the success of vaccination in The Netherlands.
Rudy Burgmeijer
Mar/2007 – Ljubljana, Slovenia   655 Kb (.pdf)
Vaccination at school – future challenges
Claire Cameron
Mar/2007 – Ljubljana, Slovenia   316 Kb (.pdf)
Prevention and control of viral hepatitis through adolescent health programmes in Europe: Conclusions and summary of the meeting.
David FitzSimons
Mar/2007 – Ljubljana, Slovenia   67 Kb (.pdf)
Adolescent health programme and its contribution to the success of vaccination in the UK.
Roger Harrington
Mar/2007 – Ljubljana, Slovenia   178 Kb (.pdf)
Adolescent and vaccination: Knowledge and perception.
Luc Hessel
Mar/2007 – Ljubljana, Slovenia   864 Kb (.pdf)
Introduction of European Union for School and Univeristy Health and Medicine (EUSUHM).
Karel Hoppenbrouwers
Mar/2007 – Ljubljana, Slovenia   63 kB (.pdf)
Adolescent health programme and its contribution to the success of vaccination in Belgium
Karel Hoppenbrouwers
Mar/2007 – Ljubljana, Slovenia   90 Kb (.pdf)
Adolescent health programme and its contribution to the success of vaccination in Finland.
Kaarina Jävenpää
Mar/2007 – Ljubljana, Slovenia   167 Kb (.pdf)
Adolescent health programme and its contribution to the success of vaccination in Slovenia.
Mojca Juricic
Mar/2007 – Ljubljana, Slovenia   239 Kb (.pdf)
Adolescent health programme and its contribution to the success of vaccination in Rep of Macedonia.
Mimi Karovska
Mar/2007 – Ljubljana, Slovenia   602 Kb (.pdf)
Adolescent health programme and its contribution to the success of vaccination in Croatia.
Marina Kuzman
Mar/2007 – Ljubljana, Slovenia   386 Kb (.pdf)
Adolescent health programme and its contribution to the success of vaccination in Norway.
Hanne Nokleby
Mar/2007 – Ljubljana, Slovenia   67 Kb (.pdf)
Adolescent health programme and its contribution to the success of vaccination in Greece.
Vassiliki Papaevangelou
Mar/2007 – Ljubljana, Slovenia   55 Kb (.pdf)
Adolescent health programme and its contribution to the success of vaccination in Germany
Matthias Pulz
Mar/2007 – Ljubljana, Slovenia   214 Kb (.pdf)
Issues in implementing hepatitis B vaccination in adolescents.
Susan Rosenthal
Mar/2007 – Ljubljana, Slovenia   309 Kb (.pdf)
Adolescent health programme and its contribution to the success of vaccination in France.
Francoise Roudot-Thoraval, Nicole Guérin
Mar/2007 – Ljubljana, Slovenia   87 Kb (.pdf)
WHO and Adolescent Immunization
Craig Shapiro
Mar/2007 – Ljubljana, Slovenia   461 Kb (.pdf)
Adolescent health programme and its contribution to the success of vaccination in Hungary.
Tamas Simon
Mar/2007 – Ljubljana, Slovenia   60 Kb (.pdf)
Adolescent health programme and its contribution to the success of vaccination in Switzerland.
Susanne Stronski
Mar/2007 – Ljubljana, Slovenia   445 Kb (.pdf)
Introduction of the Viral Hepatitis Prevention Board (VHPB).
Pierre Van Damme
Mar/2007 – Ljubljana, Slovenia   200 Kb (.pdf)
Adolescent health programme and its contribution to the success of vaccination in the US.
John Ward
Mar/2007 – Ljubljana, Slovenia   506 Kb (.pdf)
Hepatitis B Virus Genetic diversity in Spain.
Ana Avellon
Nov/2006 – Madrid, Spain   1.7 Mb (.pdf)
Epidemiology of Hepatitis C Infection
Pablo Barreiro
Nov/2006 – Madrid, Spain   1.1 Mb (.pdf)
Epidemiological Surveillance of HCV Infection in Spanish Dialysis Units
Guillermina Barril
Nov/2006 – Madrid, Spain   1.9 Mb (.pdf)
Molecular diagnosis of hepatitis B infection in the transfusional setting
Emma Castro
Nov/2006 – Madrid, Spain   183 Kb (.pdf)
Prevalence of HCV-HIV co-infection among mothers of newborn babies
Mercedes Diez
Nov/2006 – Madrid, Spain   324 Kb (.pdf)
Vaccination against hepatitis A in Catalonia
Angela Dominguez
Nov/2006 – Madrid, Spain   177 Kb (.pdf)
Molecular Epidemiology of Hepatitis A and E viruses
Rosina Girones
Nov/2006 – Madrid, Spain   732 Kb (.pdf)
Outbreaks of hepatitis A in Spain
Dionisio José Herrera Guibert
Nov/2006 – Madrid, Spain   851 Kb (.pdf)
Hepatits E virus infections in Spain
Maria Teresa Perez Gracia
Nov/2006 – Madrid, Spain   2.1 Mb (.pdf)
Molecular epidemiology of HCV
Josep Quer
Nov/2006 – Madrid, Spain   1 Mb (.pdf)
Treatment of chronic hepatitis B
José M Sanchez Tapias
Nov/2006 – Madrid, Spain   126 Kb (.pdf)
Treatment of chronic hepatitis C
José M Sanchez Tapias
Nov/2006 – Madrid, Spain   169 Kb (.pdf)
Hepatitis vaccination policy in Spain
Patricia Santa Olalla Peralta
Nov/2006 – Madrid, Spain   190 Kb (.pdf)
Organization of the health care system in Spain
Patricia Santa Olalla Peralta
Nov/2006 – Madrid, Spain   390 Kb (.pdf)
Prevention and control of viral hepatitis virus in Spain: Lessons learnt and the way forward. Conclusions
Daniel Shouval
Nov/2006 – Madrid, Spain   32 Kb (.pdf)
National Epidemiological Surveillance Network: Hepatitis
Carmen Varela Martinez
Nov/2006 – Madrid, Spain   1 Mb (.pdf)
Effectiveness of newborn hepatitis B vaccination programmes
Francis André
Mar/2006 – Istanbul, Turkey   1.1 Mb (.pdf)
Are immunogenicity and protective efficacy of hepatitis B vaccine related to different administration schedules?
Voranush Chongsrisawat
Mar/2006 – Istanbul, Turkey   625 Kb (.pdf)
Overview of HBV Infections and the vaccination policy in Turkey
Meral Ciblak, Selim Badur
Mar/2006 – Istanbul, Turkey   532 Kb (.pdf)
Prevention and control of perinatal hepatitis B virus transmission in the WHO European Region Introduction
Nedret Emiroglu
Mar/2006 – Istanbul, Turkey   85 Kb (.pdf)
Prevention of perinatal HBV transmission: Evaluation of programs and success stories from Central Asia and Kazakhstan
Michael Favorov
Mar/2006 – Istanbul, Turkey   1.8 Mb (.pdf)
Prevention and control of perinatal hepatitis B virus (HBV) transmission in the WHO European Region: Conclusions and summary of the meeting
David FitzSimons
Mar/2006 – Istanbul, Turkey   121 Kb (.pdf)
Prevention and control of HBV perinatal transmission in Armenia
Armen Hayrapetyan
Mar/2006 – Istanbul, Turkey   967 Kb (.pdf)
Long term efficacy of hepatitis B vaccination of newborns from HBs Ag positive mothers in Thailand
Bernard Hoet
Mar/2006 – Istanbul, Turkey   58 kb (.pdf)
Prevention and control of perinatal transmission of hepatitis B virus: Situation and experience in Georgia
Paata Imnadze
Mar/2006 – Istanbul, Turkey   656 Kb (.pdf)
Prevention and control of perinatal hepatitis B virus: situation and experience in Tajikistan
Shamsiddin Jabirov
Mar/2006 – Istanbul, Turkey   873 Kb (.pdf)
Prevention and control of perinatal hepatitis B virus transmission in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan
Joldosh Kalilov
Mar/2006 – Istanbul, Turkey   264 Kb (.pdf)
The main modes of HBV transmission in children, Central Asian Region
Liudmila Mosina
Mar/2006 – Istanbul, Turkey   1.7 Mb (.pdf)
Prevention and control of perinatal transmission of viral hepatitis B: Uzbekistan experience
Irkin Musabaev
Mar/2006 – Istanbul, Turkey   1.9 Mb (.pdf)
Improving the hepatitis B birth dose in Indonesia, Vietnam, and Cambodia
Carib Nelson
Mar/2006 – Istanbul, Turkey   1 Mb (.pdf)
Hepatitis B vaccination and HBIg administration policies implemented for premature babies – vaccines concurrently administrated with the hepatitis B vaccine birth dose
Vassiliki Papaevangelou
Mar/2006 – Istanbul, Turkey   530 Kb (.pdf)
Hepatitis B vaccination of newborns in rural China: evaluation of an out-of-cold-chain delivery strategy
Lixia Wang
Mar/2006 – Istanbul, Turkey   590 Kb (.pdf)
Hepatitis B disease burden: a model for global estimates and impact of vaccination
Susan Wang
Mar/2006 – Istanbul, Turkey   131 Kb (.pdf)
WHO recommendations and guidelines for the prevention of perinatal hepatitis B and use of hepatitis B vaccines
Steven Wiersma
Mar/2006 – Istanbul, Turkey   288 Kb (.pdf)
Hepatitis B: public health aspects – Glasgow
Syed Ahmed
Nov/2005 – Edinburgh, United Kingdom   207 Kb (.pdf)
Virology of hepatitis B
William Carman
Nov/2005 – Edinburgh, United Kingdom   1.1 Mb (.pdf)
Epidemiology and control of hepatitis A in the UK
Natasha Crowcroft
Nov/2005 – Edinburgh, United Kingdom   329 Kb (.pdf)
National hepatitis C strategy/ Action plans/ SIGN guidelines
John Dillon
Nov/2005 – Edinburgh, United Kingdom   492 Kb (.pdf)
Clinical aspects
Geoffrey Dusheiko
Nov/2005 – Edinburgh, United Kingdom   324 Kb (.pdf)
Hepatitis B: economic aspects
W. John Edmunds
Nov/2005 – Edinburgh, United Kingdom   211 Kb (.pdf)
Can the United Kingdom control viral hepatitis? Preliminary meeting conclusions.
Guido François
Nov/2005 – Edinburgh, United Kingdom   49 Kb (.pdf)
Hepatitis C: economic issues
Richard Grieve
Nov/2005 – Edinburgh, United Kingdom   85 Kb (.pdf)
Modelling transmission of HCV among intravenous drug users and in prisons
Matthew Hickman
Nov/2005 – Edinburgh, United Kingdom   173 Kb (.pdf)
Hepatitis C virus infection: monitoring of end-stage liver disease and modelling the current and future burden of disease
Sharon Hutchinson
Nov/2005 – Edinburgh, United Kingdom   563 Kb (.pdf)
Hepatitis B in London public health aspects
Helen Maguire
Nov/2005 – Edinburgh, United Kingdom   1.1 Mb (.pdf)
Epidemiology of hepatitis B in the UK
Mary Ramsay
Nov/2005 – Edinburgh, United Kingdom   680 Kb (.pdf)
Epidemiology of hepatitis C in the UK
Kristy Roy
Nov/2005 – Edinburgh, United Kingdom   555 Kb (.pdf)
The cost effectiveness of case-finding strategies for HCV infection in former injecting drug users
Ken Stein
Nov/2005 – Edinburgh, United Kingdom   147 Kb (.pdf)
How England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland fit together – politics, healthcare, decision making, research, funding
Howard Thomas
Nov/2005 – Edinburgh, United Kingdom   129 Kb (.pdf)
Management of diagnosed cases of hepatitis C virus infection
Mark Thursz
Nov/2005 – Edinburgh, United Kingdom   533 Kb (.pdf)
Transmission of blood-borne viruses in the healthcare setting
Gabriella De Carli
Mar/2005 – Rome, Italy   589 Kb (.pdf)
Current vaccination policies for healthcare workers, including booster policies, vaccination coverage, and serological testing
Antoon De Schryver
Mar/2005 – Rome, Italy   290 Kb (.pdf)
Prevalence of HBV and HCV in health care workers
Annarosa Floreani
Mar/2005 – Rome, Italy   1.1 Mb (.pdf)
Should patients be tested before undergoing invasive procedures?
Johannes Hallauer
Mar/2005 – Rome, Italy   138 Kb (.pdf)
General precautionary measures
Andreas Kopka
Mar/2005 – Rome, Italy   1.6 Mb (.pdf)
Post-exposure management of occupational exposure to blood-borne pathogens
Fortune Ncube
Mar/2005 – Rome, Italy   494 Kb (.pdf)
Risk assessement of occupational and nosocomial HBV/HCV infection by type of clinician and procedure
Lidia Proietti
Mar/2005 – Rome, Italy   705 Kb (.pdf)
Occupational fraction of HBV and HCV infections in healthcare workers globally
Annette Pruss-Ustun
Mar/2005 – Rome, Italy   575 Kb (.pdf)
Look-back (retrospective) studies
Vincenzo Puro
Mar/2005 – Rome, Italy   367 Kb (.pdf)
Definitions: exposure-prone procedures, nosocomial infection, viral-load thresholds for HBV, HCV, and HIV infectivity
Vincenzo Puro
Mar/2005 – Rome, Italy   1.2 Mb (.pdf)
Inventory of current recommendations
Kristy Roy
Mar/2005 – Rome, Italy   469 Kb (.pdf)
Feedback from the EASL study (Gunson et al., 2003)
Daniel Shouval
Mar/2005 – Rome, Italy   397 Kb (.pdf)
Quantitative HBV DNA measurements and the management of infected healthcare workers
Annemiek van der Eijk
Mar/2005 – Rome, Italy   782 Kb (.pdf)
Healthcare-related outbreaks of hepatitis B and C in the United States
Ian Williams
Mar/2005 – Rome, Italy   468 Kb (.pdf)
Co-infected healthcare workers
Yazdan Yazdanpanah
Mar/2005 – Rome, Italy   538 Kb (.pdf)
Nosocomial HCV infections in France
Anne Carbonne
Nov/2004 – Veyrier-du-Lac, France   184 Kb (.pdf)
Overview of HAV, HBV, and HCV surveillance in France
Elisabeth Delarocque-Astagneau
Nov/2004 – Veyrier-du-Lac, France   237 Kb (.pdf)
Evaluation of viral hepatitis prevention and control measures-prospects: What still needs to be done in France
Jean-Claude Desenclos
Nov/2004 – Veyrier-du-Lac, France   98 Kb (.pdf)
Prediction of HCV-related morbidity and mortality burden in France
Sylvie Deuffic-Burban
Nov/2004 – Veyrier-du-Lac, France   194 Kb (.pdf)
Presentation of the VHPB meeting conclusions
Guido François
Nov/2004 – Veyrier-du-Lac, France   89 Kb (.pdf)
HBV immunisation policies in France
Nicole Guérin
Nov/2004 – Veyrier-du-Lac, France   159 Kb (.pdf)
French regional registries (HBV and HCV, Cote d’Or and Doubs)
Patrick Hillon
Nov/2004 – Veyrier-du-Lac, France   630 Kb (.pdf)
Surveillance of adverse events following immunisation in France
Alexis Jacquet
Nov/2004 – Veyrier-du-Lac, France   380 Kb (.pdf)
French national programme for viral hepatitis prevention and control
Anne-Marie Jullien-Depradeux
Nov/2004 – Veyrier-du-Lac, France   483 Kb (.pdf)
Prevention and residual risk of HCV, HIV, and HBV infection following blood transfusion
Syria Laperche
Nov/2004 – Veyrier-du-Lac, France   514 Kb (.pdf)
Organisation, preventive health-care system, and financement in France
Martine Le Quellec-Nathan
Nov/2004 – Veyrier-du-Lac, France   418 Kb (.pdf)
Impact of hepatitis B vaccine safety issues on vaccination strategies and their implementation in France
Daniel Levy-Bruhl
Nov/2004 – Veyrier-du-Lac, France   187 Kb (.pdf)
Injecting drug users and HCV infections in France: prevention strategies and results
Damien Lucidarme
Nov/2004 – Veyrier-du-Lac, France   493 Kb (.pdf)
French national programme for viral hepatitis prevention and control: preliminary results
Patrick Marcellin
Nov/2004 – Veyrier-du-Lac, France   139 Kb (.pdf)
Epidemiology of hepatitis A and E in France
Elisabeth Nicand
Nov/2004 – Veyrier-du-Lac, France   852 Kb (.pdf)
Research on viral hepatitis in France : organisation and funding
Jean-Michel Pawlotsky
Nov/2004 – Veyrier-du-Lac, France   676 Kb (.pdf)
Epidemiology of hepatitis C in France
Francoise Roudot-Thoraval
Nov/2004 – Veyrier-du-Lac, France   427 Kb (.pdf)
Preventive measures for prisoners in France
Claire Wartelle-Bladou
Nov/2004 – Veyrier-du-Lac, France   398 Kb (.pdf)
HBV and HCV infection in health-care workers in France
Yazdan Yazdanpanah
Nov/2004 – Veyrier-du-Lac, France   429 kb (.pdf)
Epidemiology of hepatitis B in France
Fabien Zoulim
Nov/2004 – Veyrier-du-Lac, France   530 Kb (.pdf)
Vaccine supply in CEE and NIS
Katinka Aanjesen
May/2004 – Kyiv, Ukraine   949 Kb (.pdf)
Pre- and post vaccination testing and the issue of non-responders
Fransisco Averhoff
May/2004 – Kyiv, Ukraine   153 Kb (.pdf)
Introduction of a newborn hepatitis B immunisation programme in Turkey
Selim Badur, Ebru Usta
May/2004 – Kyiv, Ukraine   280 Kb (.pdf)
Current experience of hepatitis B vaccination in Italy
Paolo Bonanni
May/2004 – Kyiv, Ukraine   328 Kb (.pdf)
e-learning resource to strengthen financial planning of immunisation
Alan Brooks
May/2004 – Kyiv, Ukraine   494 Kb (.ppt)
Potential role of group procurement in the WHO European Region
Alan Brooks
May/2004 – Kyiv, Ukraine   261 Kb (.pdf)
Safety and quality of hepatitis B vaccines: Frequently asked questions in the WHO European Region
Philippe Duclos
May/2004 – Kyiv, Ukraine   514 Kb (.pdf)
Assessment of implementation of the hepatitis B prevention programme in Georgia
Lia Dzhabidze
May/2004 – Kyiv, Ukraine   165 Kb (.pdf)
Epidemiology of hepatitis B and vaccination programmes in the WHO European Region
Nedret Emiroglu
May/2004 – Kyiv, Ukraine   2.2 Mb (.pdf)
HBV, HCV, and HIV integrated programmes
Michael Favorov
May/2004 – Kyiv, Ukraine   857 Kb (.pdf)
Financial sustainability planning
Viktor Galyada
May/2004 – Kyiv, Ukraine   173 Kb (.pdf)
Overview of GAVI and the Vaccine Fund
Tore Godal
May/2004 – Kyiv, Ukraine   1.1 Mb (.pdf)
Overview of methods to evaluate the impact of hepatitis B immunisation programs
Susan Goldstein
May/2004 – Kyiv, Ukraine   353 Kb (.pdf)
Duration of protection after hepatitis B vaccination: current statut
Wolfgang Jilg
May/2004 – Kyiv, Ukraine   194 Kb (.pdf)
Blood safety in Central Asia Region
Aliya Jumagulova
May/2004 – Kyiv, Ukraine   664 Kb (.pdf)
Laboratory aspects of actute disease surveillance and the need for QA/QC
Tatiana Kalachnikova
May/2004 – Kyiv, Ukraine   370 Kb (.pdf)
Review of current recommendations regarding booster vaccination
Daniel Lavanchy
May/2004 – Kyiv, Ukraine   202 Kb (.pdf)
Strengthening immunisation systems and introduction of hepatitis B vaccine in CEE and NIS: meeting conclusions.
Alexandra Levitt
May/2004 – Kyiv, Ukraine   144 Kb (.pdf)
GAVI in the WHO European Region: results, current situation, and future
Andrei Lobanov
May/2004 – Kyiv, Ukraine   1.3 Mb (.pdf)
Burden of disease of Haemophilus influenzae type B in the WHO European Region
Andrei Lobanov
May/2004 – Kyiv, Ukraine   724 Kb (.pdf)
Injection safety of immunisation in the WHO European Region
Denis Maire
May/2004 – Kyiv, Ukraine   1.1 Mb (.pdf)
Vaccine procurement European perspectives
Denis Maire
May/2004 – Kyiv, Ukraine   198 Kb (.pdf)
Hepatitis C epidemiology in CEE and NIS countries
Harold Margolis
May/2004 – Kyiv, Ukraine   346 Kb (.pdf)
Acute viral hepatitis surveillance for hepatitis B vaccine evaluation program
Liudmila Mosin
May/2004 – Kyiv, Ukraine   163 Kb (.ppt)
Safe sharps waste collection and management in Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Irkin Musabaev
May/2004 – Kyiv, Ukraine   1.4 Mb (.pdf)
The importance of communication on immunisation safety
Dragoslav Popovic
May/2004 – Kyiv, Ukraine   499 Kb (.pdf)
Evaluation of hepatitis B prevention strategies in the Russian Federation
Marina Shevyreva
May/2004 – Kyiv, Ukraine   257 Kb (.pdf)
Implementation of financial sustainability planning in Kyrgyzstan
Ludmila Shteinke
May/2004 – Kyiv, Ukraine   290 Kb (.pdf)
Achievement with newborn and catch up hepatitis B immunisation programme in Kazakhstan
Tatiana Surdina
May/2004 – Kyiv, Ukraine   377 Kb (.pdf)
Financial sustainability planning of Uzbekistan
Dilorom Tursunova
May/2004 – Kyiv, Ukraine   216 Kb (.pdf)
Experience with sentinel surveillance in Kyrgyzstan
Rafik Usmanov
May/2004 – Kyiv, Ukraine   379 Kb (.pdf)
Birth dose: what is possible in view of other vaccines, combined vaccines, … Reflections on schedules, dosage, vaccines and interchangeability of hepatitis B vaccines
Pierre Van Damme
May/2004 – Kyiv, Ukraine   224 Kb (.pdf)
Global epidemiology and prevention of hepatitis B
Steven Wiersma
May/2004 – Kyiv, Ukraine   717 Kb (.pdf)
WHO protocol for serologic surveillance
Steven Wiersma
May/2004 – Kyiv, Ukraine   103 Kb (.pdf)
Vaccine escape mutants of HBV
Ulus Akarca
Mar/2004 – Sevilla, Spain   2.5 Mb (.pdf)
The decline of hepatitis B virus infection in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Banji Ayoola
Mar/2004 – Sevilla, Spain   489 Kb (.pdf)
Are booster immunisations needed for lifelong hepatitis B immunity?
Jangu Banatvala
Mar/2004 – Sevilla, Spain   236 Kb (.pdf)
Kinetics of hepatitis B surface antigen-specific immune responses in acute and chronic hepatitis B
Wulf Böcher
Mar/2004 – Sevilla, Spain   463 Kb (.pdf)
Follow-up of hepatitis B vaccination: studies in Spain
Vicente Carreño
Mar/2004 – Sevilla, Spain   990 Kb (.pdf)
Follow-up of hepatitis B vaccination in Canada
Bernard Duval
Mar/2004 – Sevilla, Spain   525 Kb (.pdf)
VHPB meeting conclusions on ‘Hepatitis B vaccine: long-term efficacy, booster policy, and impact of HBV mutants on hepatitis B vaccination programmes’
David FitzSimons
Mar/2004 – Sevilla, Spain   138 Kb (.pdf)
Are booster doses of hepatitis B vaccine necessary? Current CDC recommendations and gaps in knowledge
Susan Goldstein
Mar/2004 – Sevilla, Spain   330 Kb (.pdf)
Follow-up of hepatitis B vaccination programmes in Gambia
Andy Hall
Mar/2004 – Sevilla, Spain   537 Kb (.pdf)
Immune memory after hepatitis B vaccination
Wolfgang Jilg
Mar/2004 – Sevilla, Spain   193 Kb (.pdf)
WHO booster recommendations
Daniel Lavanchy
Mar/2004 – Sevilla, Spain   158 Kb (.pdf)
Follow-up of hepatitis B vaccination programmes in Taiwan and Singapore
Sheng-Nan Lu
Mar/2004 – Sevilla, Spain   955 Kb (.pdf) 
Hepatitis B vaccine studies in Alaska
Brian McMahon
Mar/2004 – Sevilla, Spain   732 Kb (.pdf)
Evaluation of the school-based hepatitis B vaccination programme in Catalonia (Spain)
Lluis Salleras
Mar/2004 – Sevilla, Spain   311 Kb (.pdf)
Follow-up of hepatitis B vaccination: studies in Thailand
Michel Stoffel
Mar/2004 – Sevilla, Spain   105 Kb (.pdf)
Update of the universal vaccination programme in Italy
Alessandro Zanetti
Mar/2004 – Sevilla, Spain   483 Kb (.pdf)
Epidemiology of hepatitis A in Germany
Katharina Alpers
Oct/2003 – Berlin, Germany   262 Kb (.pdf)
Groups at risk for hepatitis B infection – who should be vaccinated
Ulrich Bienzle
Oct/2003 – Berlin, Germany   121 Kb (.pdf)
Hepatitis B epidemiology, surveillance, and prevention strategies in the Nordic Countries
Hans Blystad
Oct/2003 – Berlin, Germany   146 Kb (.pdf)
Hepatitis A and B outbreaks among intravenous drug users in the Nordic Countries
Hans Blystad
Oct/2003 – Berlin, Germany   134 Kb (.pdf)
Universal vaccination against hepatitis B in Germany – a paediatrician’s point of view
Uwe Busching
Oct/2003 – Berlin, Germany   101 Kb (.pdf)
Presentation of the VHPB meeting conclusions, including discussion
David Fitzsimons
Oct/2003 – Berlin, Germany   97 Kb (.pdf)
Molecular epidemiology of HBV mutants
Wolfram Gerlich
Oct/2003 – Berlin, Germany   2.2 Mb (.pdf)
Organisation of the health care system in Germany
Johannes Hallauer
Oct/2003 – Berlin, Germany   416 Kb (.pdf)
Screening pregnant women for hepatitis B: results from two studies
Wolfgang Jilg
Oct/2003 – Berlin, Germany   88 Kb (.pdf)
Development of hepatitis B prevention in Germany – the first 10 years
Wolfgang Jilg
Oct/2003 – Berlin, Germany   82 Kb (.pdf)
Critical review of programme progress
Michael Kramer, Johannes Hallauer
Oct/2003 – Berlin, Germany   62 Kb (.pdf)
Federal law on communicable diseases (Infektionsschutzgesetz) – Reporting systems
Michael Kramer
Oct/2003 – Berlin, Germany   258 Kb (.pdf)
Evaluation of a hepatitis B selective vaccination programme in Norway
Hanne Nokleby
Oct/2003 – Berlin, Germany   78 Kb (.pdf)
School-entry monitoring of vaccination status
Gunter Pfaff
Oct/2003 – Berlin, Germany   399 Kb (.pdf)
Epidemiology of hepatitis B in Germany
Doris Radun
Oct/2003 – Berlin, Germany   244 Kb (.pdf)
Epidemiology of hepatitis A in Sweden – the same old story?
Lars Rombo
Oct/2003 – Berlin, Germany   298 Kb (.pdf)
Investigation of a cluster of nosocomial HBV infections in Sweden – obstacles and efforts
Johan Struwe
Oct/2003 – Berlin, Germany   331 Kb (.pdf)
Problems associated with the introduction of HBsAg-positive children in day care centres
Johan Struwe
Oct/2003 – Berlin, Germany   72 Kb (.pdf)
Countering the anti-vaccination movement and vaccination scares – Working with the media
Robert Aston
Mar/2003 – Geneva, Switzerland   4.3 Mb (.ppt)
Communication: The role of the industry
Hugues Bogaerts, Luc Hessel
Mar/2003 – Geneva, Switzerland   61 Kb (.ppt)
The Brighton Collaboration: comparability of vaccine safety data
Jan Bonhoeffer
Mar/2003 – Geneva, Switzerland   419 Kb (.ppt)
Impact of safety issues in Scotland
Claire Bramley
Mar/2003 – Geneva, Switzerland   1.4 Mb (.ppt)
The global advisory committee on Vaccine Safety (GACVS) and its communication strategy
Philippe Duclos
Mar/2003 – Geneva, Switzerland   214 Kb (.ppt)
Impact of safety issues in France
Nicole Guérin
Mar/2003 – Geneva, Switzerland   87 Kb (.ppt)
Impact of safety issues in Germany
Johannes Hallauer
Mar/2003 – Geneva, Switzerland   644 Kb (.ppt)
International impact of vaccine safety concerns
Mark Kane
Mar/2003 – Geneva, Switzerland   33 Kb (.ppt)
New communication issues around immunisation
Heidi Larson
Mar/2003 – Geneva, Switzerland   1.1 Mb (.ppt)
Thiomersal-related changes in vaccination recommendations and hepatitis B vaccine coverage among United States children
Harold Margolis
Mar/2003 – Geneva, Switzerland   350 Kb (.ppt)
Infant hepatitis B vaccination and childhood leukaemia
Harold Margolis
Mar/2003 – Geneva, Switzerland   87 Kb (.ppt)
Impact of litigation issues on hepatitis B vaccination
Robert Pless
Mar/2003 – Geneva, Switzerland   2.5 Mb (.pdf)
Impact of safety issues in Israel
Daniel Shouval
Mar/2003 – Geneva, Switzerland   96 Kb (.ppt)
The Immunization Action Coalition (IAC)
Deborah L. Wexler
Mar/2003 – Geneva, Switzerland   2.4 Mb (.ppt)
The Viral Hepatitis Prevention Board, 10 years of support to the control and prevention of viral hepatitis in Europe.
Alex Vorsters
Jan/2003 – San Antonio, Texas, USA   652 Kb (.ppt)
Molecular tracing of HCV: options for control of hospital transmission
Filippo Ansaldi
Nov/2002 – Catania, Italy   177 Kb (.ppt)
Prevention of hepatitis A during outbreaks and post exposure
Paolo Bonanni
Nov/2002 – Catania, Italy   275 Kb (.ppt)
Epidemiology of hepatitis B core/pre-core mutants in Italy
Maurizia Brunetto
Nov/2002 – Catania, Italy   1.4 Mb (.ppt)
Epidemiology of hepatitis A and E in Italy
Rosa Cristina Coppola
Nov/2002 – Catania, Italy   1.9 Mb (.ppt)
Epidemiology of hepatitis B and C in Italy from the eighties until now
Pietro Crovari
Nov/2002 – Catania, Italy   272 Kb (.ppt)
Update on WHO GAVI European Regional Working Group and hepatitis B immunization
Nedret Emiroglu
Nov/2002 – Catania, Italy   970 Kb (.ppt)
Presentation of the VHPB meeting conclusions
David FitzSimons
Nov/2002 – Catania, Italy   50 Kb (.ppt)
The new Italian guidelines for the use of hepatitis A vaccine
Elisabetta Franco
Nov/2002 – Catania, Italy   121 Kb (.ppt)
The hepatitis A epidemic in Puglia, Italy: lessons learnt and application of prevention programmes
Pier Luigi Lopalco
Nov/2002 – Catania, Italy   1.3 Mb (.ppt)
Integrated epidemiological system for acute viral hepatitis (SEIEVA)
Alfonso Mele
Nov/2002 – Catania, Italy   599 Kb (.ppt)
Organisation of the health care system in Italy
Maria Grazia Pompa
Nov/2002 – Catania, Italy   230 Kb (.ppt)
Programme of HBV vaccination targeted to risk groups – Long-term protection after hepatitis B vaccination in a cohort of exposed newborns
Tommaso Stroffolini
Nov/2002 – catania, Italy   49 Kb (.ppt)
Evaluation framework of viral hepatitis prevention programmes: examples in Italy – Impact of ten years of universal hepatitis B vaccination programmes
Tommaso Stroffolini
Nov/2002 – Catania, Italy   99 Kb (.ppt)
Prevention of hepatitis C and residual risk of HCV, HIV, and HBV infection following blood transfusion: results of an Italian study
Alessandro Zanetti
Nov/2002 – Catania, Italy   82 Kb (.ppt)
Hepatitis E in Italy
Alessandro Zanetti
Nov/2002 – Catania, Italy   158 Kb (.ppt)
Epidemiology of hepatitis B surface antigen mutants in Italy: role and consequences for vaccination programmes
Alessandro Zanetti
Nov/2002 – Catania, Italy   779 Kb (.ppt)
How to collect and evaluate surveillance and epidemiologic data for hepatitis C
Miriam Alter
May/2002 – Geneva, Switzerland   499 Kb (.ppt)
Hepatitis C infection in Turkey
Selim Badur
May/2002 – Geneva, Switzerland   393 Kb (.ppt)
Surveillance of hepatitis C infection in France
Jean-Claude Desenclos
May/2002 – Geneva, Switzerland   211 Kb (.ppt)
The hepatitis C virus
Peter Grob
May/2002 – Geneva, Switzerland   942 Kb (.pdf)
Estimating the global burden of HCV infections associated with unsafe health care injections
Yvan Hutin
May/2002 – Geneva, Switzerland   408 Kb (.ppt)
Natural history of HCV infection
Daniel Lavanchy
May/2002 – Geneva, Switzerland   1.1 Mb (.pdf)
Global epidemiology of HCV infection
Daniel Lavanchy
May/2002 – Geneva, Switzerland   1 Mb (.pdf)
Human immune response to hepatitis C virus
Geert Leroux-Roels
May/2002 – Geneva, Switzerland   893 Kb (.ppt)
Hepatitis C: therapeutic options
Michael  Manns
May/2002 – Geneva, Switzerland   1.8 Mb (.ppt)
Prevention of hepatitis C virus infection: achievement through integration into established prevention programmes
Harold Margolis
May/2002 – Geneva, Switzerland   360 Kb (.ppt)
Epidemiology, prevention, and control programmes of hepatitis C in Egypt
Mostafa Mohamed
May/2002 – Geneva, Switzerland   901 Kb (.ppt)
Tackling the HCV epidemic in Switzerland
Francesco Negro
May/2002 – Geneva, Switzerland   336 Kb (.ppt)
Integrating prevention, control, and therapy for viral hepatitis: the Canadian model
David Patrick
May/2002 – Geneva, Switzerland   1.3 Mb (.ppt)
Laboratory and clinical diagnosis of HCV infection
Jean-Michel Pawlotsky
May/2002 – Geneva, Switzerland   210 Kb (.pdf)
Clinical manifestations of HCV infection
Daniel Shouval
May/2002 – Geneva, Switzerland   396 Kb (.ppt)
Health strategy on HCV in The Netherlands
Jan Van Hattum
May/2002 – Geneva, Switzerland   423 Kb (.ppt)
HCV injecting drug users: developing indicators of prevalence and responses
Lucas Wiessing
May/2002 – Geneva, Switzerland   1.3 Mb (.ppt)
Public health challenges for controlling HCV infection
Alessandro Zanetti
May/2002 – Geneva, Switzerland   107 Kb (.ppt)
Evaluation framework of viral hepatitis prevention programmes: examples in Italy – Impact of ten years of universal hepatitis B vaccination programmes
Paolo Bonanni
Jan/2002 – Catania, Italy   418 Kb (.ppt)
Combined paediatric vaccines for national immunisation programmes.
Francis André
Oct/2001 – St. Julians, Malta   1.6 Mb (.ppt)
Economic aspects of combined vaccines.
Philippe Beutels
Oct/2001 – St. Julians, Malta   59 Kb (.ppt)
Influence of combined vaccines on infant immunisation coverage – Recent data from Italy [Factors influencing vaccine uptake in Italy], Germany [Germany: recommendations and delivery of vaccines], and Belgium [Analysis of factors influencing vaccine uptake
Paolo Bonanni
Oct/2001 – St. Julians, Malta   1.1 Mb (.ppt)
Combined vaccines with a hepatitis B component – The role of non-clinical testing in ensuring their safety and efficacy.
Roland Dobbelaer
Oct/2001 – St. Julians, Malta   360 Kb (.ppt)
Presentation of the VHPB conclusions.
David FitzSimons
Oct/2001 – St. Julians, Malta   46 Kb (.ppt)
Infant and adolescent vaccination schedules in Europe
Nicole Guérin
Oct/2001 – St. Julians, Malta   86 Kb (.ppt)
Decision-making process and impact of implementation of hexavalent vaccines in national immunisation programmes: the case of Germany.
Wolfgang Jilg
Oct/2001 – St. Julians, Malta   62 kb (.ppt)
Immunogenicity profile of combined vaccines in infants.
Helena Kayhty
Oct/2001 – St. Julians, Malta   508 Kb (.ppt)
Hepatitis B vaccination: an alternative (re)view.
Geert Leroux-Roels
Oct/2001 – St. Julians, Malta   984 Kb (.ppt)
New vaccine supply and financing: a case study of combination vaccines in developing countries.
Susan McKinney
Oct/2001 – St. Julians, Malta   417 Kb (.ppt)
Overview of the vaccination programme in Malta.
Mark Muscat
Oct/2001 – St. Julians, Malta   125 Kb (.ppt)
European regulatory authorities’ perspective and view on proving safety and immunogenicity of combined vaccines – General aspects – Recent experiences.
Michael Pfleiderer
Oct/2001 – St. Julians, Malta   61 Kb (.ppt)
Infant and adolescent hepatitis B vaccination and use of combination vaccines – USA.
Fred Shaw
Oct/2001 – St. Julians, Malta   229 Kb (.ppt)
HEXAVAC – A new liquid DTacP-IPV-Hib-HB hexavalent vaccine – Overview of its clinical profile.
Benoit Soubeyrand
Oct/2001 – St. Julians, Malta   286 Kb (.ppt)
Importance of combined hepatitis B vaccines – Point of view of a paediatrician
Vytautas Usonis
Oct/2001 – St. Julians, Malta   187 Kb (.ppt)
Countries in Europe where combined vaccines are licensed.
Pierre  Van Damme
Oct/2001 – St. Julians, Malta   27 Kb (.ppt)
Lessons learned from Turkey
Selim Badur
Jun/2001 – St. Petersburg, Russia   235 Kb (.ppt)
Financing Multi-Year Plans
Alan Brooks
Jun/2001 – St. Petersburg, Russia   108 Kb (.ppt)
Vaccine Fund
Alan Brooks
Jun/2001 – St. Petersburg, Russia   295 Kb (.ppt)
Hepatitis B vaccines: safety and side-effect profile.
Philippe  Duclos
Jun/2001 – St. Petersburg, Russia   171 Kb (.ppt)
In Country Coordination
Nedret Emiroglu
Jun/2001 – St. Petersburg, Russia   177 Kb (.ppt)
Review of the hepatitis B vaccination programmes and the progress made since Siofok, 1996 in CEE and NIS countries.
Nedret Emiroglu
Jun/2001 – St. Petersburg, Russia   526 Kb (.ppt)
Overview of the hepatitis B, C and D epidemiology in CEE and NIS countries
Michael Favorov
Jun/2001 – St. Petersburg, Russia   132 Kb (.ppt)
Outcome evaluation and impact assessment.
Susan Goldstein
Jun/2001 – St. Petersburg, Russia   447 Kb (.ppt)
Hepatitis B vaccines: quality, immunogenicity.
Susan Goldstein
Jun/2001 – St. Petersburg, Russia   144 Kb (.ppt)
Details on long-term immunogenicity and Booster policy
Susan Goldstein
Jun/2001 – St. Petersburg, Russia   90 Kb (.ppt)
Outcome evaluation of an universal hepatitis B immuniszation programme
Johannes Hallauer
Jun/2001 – St. Petersburg, Russia   140 Kb (.ppt)
Hepatitis B vaccines: Quality issues, dosages, schedules
Wolfgang Jilg
Jun/2001 – St. Petersburg, Russia   97 Kb (.ppt)
Infectious Diseases Laboratory Quality Control – Essential Component for Public Health Improvement
Tatiana  Kalachnikova
Jun/2001 – St. Petersburg, Russia   540 Kb (.ppt)
Overview of GAVI and the Global Fund for Children’s Vaccines
Mark Kane
Jun/2001 – St. Petersburg, Russia   729 Kb (.ppt)
GAVI Regional Working Group & Status of GAVI Implementation
Denis Maire
Jun/2001 – St. Petersburg, Russia   157 Kb (.ppt)
Hepatitis B prevention strategies in the broader context of hepatitis B and C prevention.
Harold Margolis
Jun/2001 – St. Petersburg, Russia   584 Kb (.ppt)
Global epidemiology of hepatitis B and review of prevention strategies in the world.
Eric Mast
Jun/2001 – St. Petersburg, Russia   722 Kb (.ppt)
Health Information Systems
Ljudmyla Muharska, Galina Shevschenko
Jun/2001 – St. Petersburg, Russia   463 Kb (.ppt)
Health Information Systems
Ljudmyla Muharska, Galina Shevschenko
Jun/2001 – St. Petersburg, Russia   504 Kb (.ppt)
Quality Control Systems for hepatitis B and C diagnostics in Uzbekistan.
Irkin  Musabaev
Jun/2001 – St. Petersburg, Russia   337 Kb (.ppt)
Introduction of New Vaccines (example of Hib).
Pem Namgyal
Jun/2001 – St. Petersburg, Russia   136 Kb (.ppt)