
The Viral Hepatitis Prevention Board (VHPB) consists of advisers, honorary members, and an executive secretariat.

The VHPB Executive Secretariat is part of VAXINFECTIO, the Centre for the Evaluation of Vaccination at the University of Antwerp in Belgium.

The advisory members are internationally recognized experts in viral hepatitis from international organizations, academia, and national health authorities. The VHPB Executive Secretariat, in consultation with these advisory members, sets the strategy, defines actions, and prepares VHPB meetings. Advisory members are appointed for three-year terms, which can be renewed.

The VHPB holds at least two advisory meetings annually to discuss and approve strategy, prepare for meetings, and evaluate outcomes. Sponsors are not invited to or involved in these advisory meetings. Besides these formal meetings, there are numerous ad hoc interactions with the advisers.

International organisations

Prof. dr. Maria Buti

Public Health Councillor

European Assocation for the Study of the Liver (EASL)



Dr. Ivana Dragojević


European Liver Patients’ Association (ELPA)



Dr. Erika Duffell

Epidemiologist and public health physician

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)



Dr. Rania Tohme

Associate Director for Global Health

Office for Global Health at the Division of Viral Hepatitis

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)



Dr. Liudmila Mosina

Medical Epidemiologist

WHO Regional Office for Europe



Dr. Antons Mozalevskis

Technical Officer

Key Populations @ Global HIV, Hepatitis and STI Programmes

WHO Global



Dr. Marcelo Naveira

Medical Officer

WHO Regional Office for Europe



Dr. John Ward


Coalition for Global Hepatitis Elimination

Task Force for Global Health



Public Health

Prof. dr. David Goldberg

Professor of Epidemiology and Population Health

Glasgow Caledonian University

Scotland, UK


Prof. dr. Mira Kojouharova

Professor of Epidemiology

National Centre of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases



Prof. dr. Silvia Bino

Head of Department of Epidemiology and Control of Infectious Disease

Institute of Public Health



Dr. Sema Mandal

Medical consultant Epidemiologist

National Infection Service

Public Health England



Dr. Sandra Dudareva

Senior Epidemiologist

Robert Koch Institute




Prof. dr. Paolo Bonanni

Full Professor of Hygiene and Public Health

University of Florence



Prof. dr. Vladimir Chulanov

Professor at I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

Reference Center for Viral Hepatitis



Prof. dr. Angela Dominguez

Full professor

Epidemiology, Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases

University of Barcelona



Dr. Vana Papaevangelou

Associate Professor of Pediatrics 

University of Athens, School of Medicine



Prof. dr. Mojca Matičič

Professor in the field of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology 

Head of the Viral Hepatitis Unit

University Medical Centre Ljubljana

University of Ljubljana



Prof. dr. Rui Tato Marinho

Medical Director

University Hospital Santa Maria



Prof. dr. Pierre Van Damme


Head of Centre for the Evaluation of Vaccination (CEV)

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

University of Antwerp



Prof. Dr. Thomas Vanwolleghem


University Hospital Antwerp

Gastroenterology and Hepatology


The VHPB wishes to express its gratitude to the following core members and advisers who have been exceptionally active and supportive over the years. Their commitment has helped the VHPB achieve its objectives by leveraging their influential positions in national and international organizations and sharing their outstanding expertise. These honorary members are elected for a lifelong term and are invited to VHPB meetings on an ad hoc basis.


Prof. dr. Selim Badur
Former professor

Dr. Hans Blystad
Deputy director
Department of Tuberculosis, Blood Borne Inf. And STIs
Norwegian Institute of Public Health

Dr. Claire Cameron
Strategic Lead, Vaccine Preventable Diseases
HNHS National Services Scotland, Health Protection Scotland

Prof. dr. Pietro Crovari
Department of Health Sciences – University of Genova

Prof. dr. Alain Goudeau
Bacteriology, Virology and Hygiene – Universitaire Bretonneau

Prof. dr. Peter Grob

Dr. Nicole Guérin
conseiller en vaccinologie – Infovac

Prof. dr. med. Wolfgang Jilg
Institut für Medizinische Mikrobiologie und Hygiene

Universität Regensburg

Dr. Mark Kane

Dr. Daniel Lavanchy

Dr. Harold Margolis †
Centres for disease Control and Prevention – Chief, Dengue Branch

Dr. Eric Mast
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Hepatitis Branch

Dr. Elisabeth McCloy

Prof. dr. André Meheus 
Department Epidemiology and Social Medicine
University of Antwerpen – Campus Drie Eiken

Dr. Helene Norder

Senior Microbiologist

Sahlgrenska University Hospital


Prof. dr. Lars Rombo
Infectious Diseases

Dr. Françoise Roudot-Thoraval
Department of Hepatology
Hôpital Henri Mondor

Dr. Colette Roure
Direction Générale de la Santé/SD7

Dr. Craig Shapiro
Health and Human Services (HHS) Liaison
Avian Influenza Action Group

Prof. dr. Daniel Shouval

Attending Physician

Liver Unit and Liver Research Lab

Hadassah University Medical Center


Dr. Steven Wiersma
Resident Advisor
Tanzania Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Programme (TFELTP)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Tanzania

Dr. Alessandro Zanetti

Professor emeritus of Hygiene

Department of Biomedical Sciences for Health

University of Milan

MSc. Tatjana Reic

Priv.-Doz. dr. med. habil. Johannes F. Hallauer †
Zentralinstitut für Krankenhaushygiene
Paracelsus-KIiniken Deutschland GmbH & Co.KGaA

Dr. Nedret Emiroglu
Deputy Director, Division of Communicable diseases, Health Security and Environment
World Health Organization – Regional Office for Europe

Since January 1995, the VHPB Executive Secretariat has been based at the Centre for the Evaluation of Vaccination (CEV, VAXINFECTIO) at the University of Antwerp, Belgium.

Prof. Dr. Pierre Van Damme
Vaccine and Infectious Disease Institute
University of Antwerpen – Campus Drie Eiken
Universiteitsplein 1
2610 Antwerp
tel: +32 3 265 25 38 

Greet Hendrickx
Vaccine and Infectious Disease Institute
University of Antwerpen – Campus Drie Eiken
Universiteitsplein 1
2610 Antwerp
tel: +32 3 265 26 64 

Dr. Sara Valckx
Vaccine and Infectious Disease Institute
University of Antwerpen – Campus Drie Eiken
Universiteitsplein 1
2610 Antwerp
tel: +32 3 265 91 45

Brenda Janssens
Vaccine and Infectious Disease Institute
University of Antwerpen – Campus Drie Eiken

Universiteitsplein, 1
2610 Antwerp
tel: +32 3 265 25 23 

Xenia Mikulla
Vaccine and Infectious Disease Institute
University of Antwerpen – Campus Drie Eiken
Universiteitsplein 1
2610 Antwerp
tel: +32 3 265 25 23 

Prof. Alex Vorsters
Vaccine and Infectious Disease Institute
University of Antwerpen – Campus Drie Eiken
Universiteitsplein 1
2610 Antwerp
tel: +32 3 265 26 64